Screening | MQ Artist-in-Residence Giulia Magno & Valerie Habsburg
MQ Cultural Tenants Screening | MQ Artist-in-Residence Giulia Magno & Valerie Habsburg FREE ENTRY, ART, FILM & DIGITAL CULTURE Screening MQ Artist-in-Residence Giulia Magno & Valerie Habsburg Wed 04.12. [...] World?" and "Esterno giorno") by resident artist Giulia Magno, winner of this human world’s 2023 short film competition and recipient of the 2023 MQ Artist-in-Residence award, as well as one short film
MQ AiR Open Studio December
17.12.2024 to 17.12.2024 - Artist-in-Residence Studios MQ AiR Open Studio December FREE ENTRY, ART MQ Artists-in-Residence Open Studio Thu 17.12.2024, 17h AiR Studios 6 & 7, access via courtyard 7/staircase [...] 7/staircase 13 As part of the MQ AiR Open Studio, the current MQ Artists-in-Residence open the doors to their studios on the MuseumsQuartier site. The eight international artists will give an insight into their [...] Psilocybe Mauro German Suarez Torrico Kinga Toth The MuseumsQuartier's international Artist-in-Residence programme , which is realized in cooperation with partners such as BMEIA , BMKÖS and
Day With(out) Art 2024: Red Reminds Me…
performed at the Bogotá Museum of Modern Art (MAMBO) and were selected as the 2024 HIV Culture Residency at the Centro de Arte Contemporáneo de Quito. As an activist, they have worked with the Latin American [...] recognized as a Notable Writer in the 2021 OUTFEST screenwriting lab and as an artivist storyteller in residence with UCLA’s Through Positive Eyes. Vasilios creates very strange, frank, and whimsical worlds for
Masha Psilocybe: Souvenir
2025 - MQ Pop-Up Schauraum, MQ Showrooms Masha Psilocybe: Souvenir FREE ENTRY, ART MQ Artist-in-Residence Masha Psilocybe Souvenir Opening together with other MQ Showrooms: 20.11.2024, 18h 21.11. – 19.01
Exhibition: Europe’s Best Buildings 2024
and at the same time creates an open urban lounge that was immediately accepted by visitors and residents alike. Among the finalists: the revitalisation of the Saint-François Convent in Corsica by Amelia
Opening: Anca Bucur | Herbarium – A Red Ecology
Schauraum, MQ Showrooms Opening: Anca Bucur | Herbarium – A Red Ecology FREE ENTRY, ART MQ Artist-in-Residence Anca Bucur Herbarium – A Red Ecology Opening together with other MQ Showrooms: Wed 29.01.2025, 18h [...] 2025 | MQ Pop-Up Schauraum Free entry The exhibition "Herbarium — A Red Ecology" by MQ Artist-in-Residence Anca Bucur reflects on the connection between environmental and social catastrophes in the historical
Shenja Schittkowski: Steine
in a culture of repression. Shenja Schittkowski created the storyboard for the comic during her residency at MQ. Shenja Schittkowski lives and works in Berlin. She completed her master's degree in illustration
Symposium: Becoming Earth
of the Arts. In November and December 2024 Hernando Chindoy is taking part in the MQ Artist-in-Residence program. Ana Cristina Rodriguez Muñoz, photo: private Ana Cristina Rodriguez Muñ oz is a Colombian
Anca Bucur: Herbarium – A Red Ecology
Pop-Up Schauraum, MQ Showrooms Anca Bucur: Herbarium – A Red Ecology FREE ENTRY, ART MQ Artist-in-Residence Anca Bucur Herbarium – A Red Ecology Opening together with other MQ Showrooms: Wed 29.01.2025, 18h [...] 2025 | MQ Pop-Up Schauraum Free entry The exhibition "Herbarium — A Red Ecology" by MQ Artist-in-Residence Anca Bucur reflects on the connection between environmental and social catastrophes in the historical
Creating space: Co-Design your MQ. A hackathon
more open, inclusive and participatory? Over a period of two days, innovators, creative people and residents develop concrete ideas and initial prototypes for a space designed and used jointly. €5,000 prize