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No Dancing Allowed

22.06.2022 to 20.11.2022

No Dancing Allowed


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No Dancing Allowed

22.06. thru 20.11., Tue-Sun 13-19h l frei_raum Q21 exhibition space l free admission
Opening Tue 21.06., 19h

The way we dance has always reflected socio-political changes and struggles. Throughout history collective bonds and communities have been created through social and performative dancing and nightlife, from subculture to mainstream, from ballrooms to street parades, festivals, clubs and illegal raves. Dance is vital for the expression of youth, and it has been used in times of crisis to unite people and for healing. Dance is a ritualistic practice that is not forgotten even in the most challenging times. Alongside various social functions, as shared cultural heritage dance remains a practice of freedom of movement—and a form of protest. Before COVID-19, the socio-political power of dance manifested worldwide, for instance directed as an expression of the anti-fascist movement, as female and LGBTQ empowerment, or against gentrification.

The exhibition “No Dancing Allowed” focuses on the practices and relations between movement, body and space, especially recently. The investigation follows curator Doringer’s notion of a “Dance of Urgency”, which rises from emotions in times of personal and collective crisis to empower individuals and groups. With deliberate social estrangement, our bodies accumulate boredom, fears, health issues, grief, uncertainty, isolation, loneliness, collective trauma, while very little cultural activity is provided to assist us in coping. Where does movement happen when it is not allowed? Or, how could recent restrictions have changed the way we move?

Curated by Bogomir Doringer with contributions by Authentically Plastic* & Keith Zenga King, Colectivo LASTESIS, Nick Coutsier, Jeremy Deller, EMIRHAKIN*, Escape 010101 | Yannet Vilela & Jesper Frederiksen, Lucia Fernandez Santoro*, Gabber Modus Operandi & Rimbawan Gerilya, KAMVA Collective* | Chris Kets & Amílcar Patel, Adriana Knouf, Vera Logdanidi*, Luiz Felipe Lucas*, Yarema Malashchuk & Roman Himey, Clémence Mira*, Ania Nowak*, Nude Robot, Nyege Nyege, OTION*, Natalia Papaeva*, Julius Pristauz, Shanghai Community Radio, Anton Shebetko*, Space of Urgency* & Jan Beddegenoodts, Spiral Tribe | Mark Angelo Harrison*, Maša Stanić, Paula Strunden, Olga Udovenko (Udda)*, United We Stream, Bambi van Balen* | TOOLS FOR ACTION, Liam Young, #FreeBritney, and others.

*Q21 Artist-in-Residence

Exhibition display: Michael Hofer-Lenz, student of the Department of Stage and Costume Design, Film and Exhibition Architecture, University Mozarteum Salzburg

Image © Gabber Modus Operandi & Rimbawan Gerilya


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