Dorothee Golz: Hollow Worlds - MuseumsQuartier Wien
Dorothee Golz <link http:> Share Share - facebook MQ ART BOX MQ ART BOX program in August opening hours mo-sun: 00-24h [...] 04.05.2017 to 16.06.2017 - MQ ART BOX Host: Q21 Dorothee Golz: Hollow Worlds ART Previous dates fri, 16.06.2017 - 00.00 h thu, 15.06.2017 - 00.00 h wed, 14.06.2017 - 00.00 h tue, 13.06.2017 - 00.00 h All [...] 25 sun 26 mo 27 tue 28 wed 29 thu 30 fri Venue: MQ ART BOX Admission free For a few weeks, Dorothee Golz’s transparent Hollow Worlds are moving into the MQ ARTBOX. They are conceived of forms that assert
Uta Weber: Blow - Flow - Glow - MuseumsQuartier Wien
Elisabeth Melichar <link http:> Share Share - facebook MQ ART BOX MQ ART BOX program in August opening hours mo-sun: 00-24h [...] 06.03.2017 to 24.04.2017 - MQ ART BOX Host: Q21 Uta Weber: Blow - Flow - Glow ART Previous dates mo, 24.04.2017 - 00.00 h sun, 23.04.2017 - 00.00 h sat, 22.04.2017 - 00.00 h fri, 21.04.2017 - 00.00 h All [...] foil on the MQ Art Box, and its circular shapes literally appear to be blowing, flowing and glowing. The opaque covering of the spatial body awakens the viewer’s curiosity about this glass “art cuboid” and
Roman Pfeffer: Helix Deconstructor - MuseumsQuartier Wien
mo • 28 tue • Opening: Tue, Dec 06, 19:00 Venue: MQ ART BOX Admission free “Changing things allows us to understand them in a new way’’ For the MQ ART BOX, Roman Pfeffer has arranged the Austrian Olympic [...] LICHT, Vienna <link http:> Share Share - facebook MQ ART BOX MQ ART BOX program in August opening hours mo-sun: 00-24h [...] 06.12.2016 to 28.02.2017 - MQ ART BOX Host: Q21 Roman Pfeffer: Helix Deconstructor ART Previous dates tue, 28.02.2017 - 00.00 h mo, 27.02.2017 - 00.00 h sun, 26.02.2017 - 00.00 h sat, 25.02.2017 - 00.00
Stopover - Ways of Temporary Exchange - MuseumsQuartier Wien
is being shown in cooperation with the “MQ ART BOX.” Since 2014, the “MQ ART BOX”, curated by Elisabeth Melichar, has provided an exhibition space for temporary art installations in the main courtyard of [...] represented and communicated? With their project “Sissi Quartier” in the “MQ ART BOX” in the MQ Main Courtyard, Budapest-based art collective Polygon Creative Empire explores how economics and culture are [...] cultural traditions. As a member of the international creative organization “Make Art with Purpose,” he believes that art can inspire “conversations or small-scale actions” which are “part of a larger drive
Wilhelm Scheruebl: Das Ende des Wartens - MuseumsQuartier Wien
<link http:> Picture: W. Scheruebl Share Share - facebook MQ ART BOX MQ ART BOX program in August opening hours mo-sun: 00-24h [...] 22.09.2016 to 20.11.2016 - MQ ART BOX Host: Q21 Wilhelm Scheruebl: Das Ende des Wartens ART Previous dates sun, 20.11.2016 sat, 19.11.2016 fri, 18.11.2016 thu, 17.11.2016 All dates • Days with event September [...] thu 25 fri 26 sat 27 sun 28 mo 29 tue 30 wed Venue: MQ ART BOX Admission free “photosynthesis as the highest form of existence’’ Wilhelm Scheruebl’s art works with the aliveness of things. He analyses the
Alois Mosbacher: ASCENSION - MuseumsQuartier Wien
50 cm, 2016 <link http:> Share Share - facebook MQ ART BOX MQ ART BOX program in August opening hours mo-sun: 00-24h [...] 05.07.2016 to 11.09.2016 - MQ ART BOX Host: Q21 Alois Mosbacher: ASCENSION ART Previous dates sun, 11.09.2016 sat, 10.09.2016 fri, 09.09.2016 thu, 08.09.2016 All dates • Days with event July 2016 01 fri [...] 22 thu 23 fri 24 sat 25 sun 26 mo 27 tue 28 wed 29 thu 30 fri Opening: Tue, Jul 05, 19:00 Venue: MQ ART BOX Admission free In the American TV series «Ascension,» set in the year 1963, the government sends
Manfred Wakolbinger: INHALE - EXHALE - MuseumsQuartier Wien
sun 27 mo 28 tue 29 wed 30 thu Opening: Tue, Apr 19, 19:00 Venue: MQ ART BOX Admission free “in order to keep life floating.” The MQ ART BOX is an interior room within an external space, a hollow form, a [...]> Image: © Manfred Wakolbinger Share Share - facebook MQ ART BOX MQ ART BOX program in August opening hours mo-sun: 00-24h [...] 19.04.2016 to 05.06.2016 - MQ ART BOX Host: Q21 Manfred Wakolbinger: INHALE - EXHALE ART Previous dates sun, 05.06.2016 sat, 04.06.2016 fri, 03.06.2016 thu, 02.06.2016 All dates • Days with event April
Ben Frost (AUS): Spoon Full of Sugar - MuseumsQuartier Wien
31.03.2016 to 17.04.2016 - MQ Pop-Up Schauraum Host: Q21 Ben Frost (AUS): Spoon Full of Sugar ART Previous dates sun, 17.04.2016 sat, 16.04.2016 fri, 15.04.2016 thu, 14.04.2016 All dates • Days with event [...] as pharmaceutical boxes, candy and cereal packaging. Staring to do so in 2011 the artist confronts the conjoined twins of capitalism and consumerism with striking compositions of Pop-Art aesthetics, playful [...] com <link http:> Share Share - facebook MQ Pop-Up Schauraum MQ Pop-Up Schauraum program in August
Hans Kupelwieser: Turntables - MuseumsQuartier Wien
19:00 Location: MQ ART BOX Admission free “flat – sculptural – virtual light – motion – time” Hans Kupelwieser designed two rotating platforms as the basis for his installation at the MQ ART BOX exhibition [...] Kupelwieser <link http:> Share Share - facebook MQ ART BOX MQ ART BOX program in August opening hours mo-sun: 00-24h [...] 03.02.2016 to 10.04.2016 - MQ ART BOX Host: Q21 Hans Kupelwieser: Turntables ART Previous dates sun, 10.04.2016 sat, 09.04.2016 fri, 08.04.2016 thu, 07.04.2016 All dates • Days with event February 2016
Daniel Spoerri: A Pretty Christmas Mess - MuseumsQuartier Wien <link http:> Share Share - facebook MQ ART BOX MQ ART BOX program in August opening hours mo-sun: 00-24h [...] Location: MQ ART BOX Admission free “This constant metamorphosis is, I think, what it is to be alive.” For the Advent season, Daniel Spoerri has interlinked two installations specifically for the Art Box: a few [...] 02.12.2015 to 30.01.2016 - MQ ART BOX Host: Q21 Daniel Spoerri: A Pretty Christmas Mess ART Previous dates sat, 30.01.2016 fri, 29.01.2016 thu, 28.01.2016 wed, 27.01.2016 All dates • Days with event December