31.03.2016 to 17.04.2016 - MQ Pop-Up Schauraum
Host: MQ Cultural Tenants
Ben Frost (AUS): Spoon Full of Sugar

Opening: Thu, Mar 31, 19:00
Venue: Jan Arnold Gallery, Electric Avenue
Admission free
During his month-long residency in Vienna the controversial painter and street artist Ben Frost showcases a unique body of work, critiquing our media-obsessed society and the loss of innocence through advertising. Ben’s work subverts logos, icons and characters from popular culture and re-presents them in startling and often confronting new ways.
The exhibition features paintings on site specific found objects such as pharmaceutical boxes, candy and cereal packaging. Staring to do so in 2011 the artist confronts the conjoined twins of capitalism and consumerism with striking compositions of Pop-Art aesthetics, playful characters of childhood cartoons, sex and violence. By remixing mainstream iconography, he creates a visual framework that is bold, confronting and often provocative.
“Spoon Full of Sugar“ aims to re-evaluate our understanding of product advertising by juxtaposing unlikely and confronting elements into some of our most loved and well known consumer icons.“
Image: Built Like the Alps © Ben Frost
<link http: benfrostisdead.com _blank>benfrostisdead.com
<link http: www.janarnoldgallery.com>www.janarnoldgallery.com