Die Lange Nacht der Museen im MQ - MuseumsQuartier Wien
TONSPUR_PASSAGE Candice Breitz is presenting the piece that has been created during her Artist-in-Residency at quartier21/MQ in August 2012. Free Admission Location: TONSPUR_passage, between MQ Courtyard
Johanna Dehio (GER): Open Studio Night - MuseumsQuartier Wien
16-22h Ort: Künstlerstudio 513, quartier21 Eintritt frei Zur VIENNA DESIGN WEEK lädt Artist-in-Residence Johanna Dehio für einen Tag in ihr temporäres Studio im quartier21/MuseumsQuartier zur Partizipation
TIKA (SUI): ANIMALISTIKA - MuseumsQuartier Wien
muralist. She lives and works in Zurich, Berlin, and Rio de Janeiro. In July she will be an Artist-in- Residence at quartier21/MQ. Share Share - facebook
Wonder Anatomie (THA): Tattoo after death - MuseumsQuartier Wien
workshop in the context of \"MQ Summer of Fashion\" Date: Fri, Sep 14, 17:00-20:00 Venue: Artist-in-Residence studio 613, quartier21 Registration thru Sep 1: info@combinat.at, max. 15 participants Free admission [...] aesthetics of Wonder Anatomie are influenced by graphic elements from Asian art and culture. During his residency at quartier21 Chalermkiat will provide insight to this exotic world during a workshop and present
quartier21: Apparatus 22: Positive Tension (in the air) - MuseumsQuartier Wien
25 tue 26 wed 27 thu 28 fri 29 sat 30 sun Apparatus 22: Positive Tension (in the air) Artist-in-Residence at quartier21 in the context of \"MQ Summer of Fashion\" Date: Jun 15, Aug 4, Aug 22 and Sep 5 Venue: [...] 2011, NY). The collective is based in Bucharest, Romania. Aparatus22 are invited as Artists-in-Residence of quartier21/MQ in June and July. In cooperation with quartier21/MQ and Romanian Cultural Institute
TECHNOSENSUAL. where fashion meets technology - MuseumsQuartier Wien
Blanken (NL). Some of them will be living at the MQ in the coming months as quartier21 Artists-in-Residence . \r\n The exhibition curated by Anouk Wipprecht features garments that combine fashion and technology
Symposium zu „TECHNOSENSUAL. where fashion meets technology" - MuseumsQuartier Wien
ion sind Kuratorin Anouk Wipprecht, Fashion Tech Entwickler Piem Wirtz von V2_Labs, Artists-in-Residence Melissa Coleman und Pauline van Dongen, Ebru Kurbak und andere. Moderiert wird das Symposium von [...] von der kanadischen Fashion Tech Designerin Valérie Lamontagne, die im August als Artist-in-Residence zu Gast im quartier21/MQ ist. TECHNOSENSUAL. where fashion meets technology wurde von Anouk Wipprecht
Daniel Sannwald (GER): The Absence of Anything - MuseumsQuartier Wien
the fashion photography scene, is visiting Vienna as a quartier21 Artist-in-Residence this March and April. During his residency, he will be producing the experimental film \"The Absence of Anything\" with
Doris Jauk-Hinz: Die Dynamisierung des Augenblicks - Der Augenblick der Dynamik - MuseumsQuartier Wien
des Augenblicks. Die Snapshots entstanden während eines 3-monatigen Aufenthaltes als Artist in Residence in Kanada (UMAS, Durham). Die gewählte Position für die Erstellung der Snapshots, stets von der
Dive and Run - MuseumsQuartier Wien
to think about the form of existence and quality of life. As part of the quartier21/MQ Artist-in-Residence program, Una Szeemann and Bohdan Stehlik produced a work specially conceived for the exhibition