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Community Garden Macondo

05.05.2012 to 05.05.2012

Community Garden Macondo


Nachbarschaftsgarten Macondo Nachbarschaftsgarten Macondo

Community Garden Macondo
guided bus tour

Date: Sat, May 5, 13:45-17:00
Venue: Architekturzentrum Wien, Shop
Tickets: EUR 14,00 / students EUR 10,00
max. 25 people

guided bus tour: Heidi Pretterhofer & Dieter Spath (Arquitectos)

The residents named their home in Simmering, Vienna, \"Macondo\" after the novel \"One Hundred Years of Solitude\" von Gabriel García Márquez. Since 1956 refugees from crisis areas all around the world have lived here. Coping with traumas and settling in a new country have led to a unique culture of informal gardening and to a new neighbourhood garden.

tour in German only

>>Hands-On Urbanism 1850 - 2012

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