Symposium: We are Neighbourhood - MuseumsQuartier Wien
by the Az W with IBA_Vienna — New Social Housing Admission free The event will be broadcast live on zoom. You will find the link at soon Architekturzentrum Wien Architekturzentrum Wien program
Matinée: A Tribute to Dietmar Steiner – Part 2 - MuseumsQuartier Wien
member of the Az W Board Moderated by Ute Woltron Admission free The event will be broadcast live on zoom. You will find the link at soon Architekturzentrum Wien Architekturzentrum Wien program
MQ Sommerfest
Architekturzentrum Wien, Kunsthalle Wien, Leopold Museum, mumok, MQ Cultural Tenants, WIENXTRA-Kinderinfo, ZOOM Kindermuseum, MQ Main Courtyard, Hof 2, MQ Amore, Boule Bahn MQ Sommerfest FREE ENTRY, EDUCATION, [...] squirrel Fritzi steals everything from under their noses. Help Holli save the birthday! 10.30 thru 12h, ZOOM Kindermuseum, main entrance Riesenseifenblasenspaß - soap bubbles fun! Whether it's one tiny, many [...] fly through the Fürstenhof together with you! You can experiment with soap bubbles in front of the ZOOM main entrance. Do they hover for just a second, do they burst on the tip of your nose, or do they
ORF-Long Night of Museums
01.10.2022 to 01.10.2022 - Architekturzentrum Wien, Kunsthalle Wien, Leopold Museum, mumok, ZOOM Kindermuseum, designforum Wien, MQ Freiraum ORF-Long Night of Museums ART ORF-Long Night of Museums Sat [...] museums at MQ: Architekturzentrum Wien , frei_raum Q21 , Kunsthalle Wien , Leopold Museum , mumok, ZOOM Kindermuseum & designforum Wien In addition to a wide variety of exhibitions, there are also many
Free talk for parents: Bullying among children - MuseumsQuartier Wien
children DIGITAL, FREE ENTRY, CHILDREN & FAMILY Fri, Mar 5, 18:00-19:30, doors open at 17:50 Free via ZOOM, no registration required! When is it appropriate to talk about bullying? How can we support and empower
Panel discussion:"Oh, du mein Österreich!" - MuseumsQuartier Wien
24.02.2021 to 24.02.2021 - Architekturzentrum Wien Panel discussion:"Oh, du mein Österreich!" DIGITAL, EDUCATION, ARCHITEKTUR The event will be broadcast online. The link will be available here shortl
Guided tour of the exhibition: Land for Us All - MuseumsQuartier Wien
Assistance: Lisa Gallian, Christina Kirchmair The guided tour on 04.02. will take place online via zoom. Click here . Architekturzentrum Wien Architekturzentrum Wien program in July opening hours mo-sun:
Panel discussion: Viennese Modernism — and the Moral of the Story? - MuseumsQuartier Wien
Moderated by Matthias Dusini, FALTER features editor Admission free The event will be broadcast live on zoom. You will find the link at soon Architekturzentrum Wien Architekturzentrum Wien program
Matinée: A Tribute to Dietmar Steiner – Part 1 - MuseumsQuartier Wien
member of the Az W Board Moderated by Ute Woltron Admission free The event will be broadcast live on zoom. You will find the link at soon Architekturzentrum Wien Architekturzentrum Wien program
Lecture & Response: Lacaton & Vassal Architectes - MuseumsQuartier Wien
by the Az W with IBA_Vienna — New Social Housing Admission free The event will be broadcast live on zoom. You will find the link at soon Architekturzentrum Wien Architekturzentrum Wien program