11.09.2020 to 11.09.2020 - Architekturzentrum Wien
Matinée: A Tribute to Dietmar Steiner – Part 1

Dietmar Steiner wrote architectural history and left his mark on successive generations of architects. For many of whom he was a mentor, a source of support, a discussion partner and an inspiration.
His lifelong work at the interface of theory and practice and the broad scope of his knowledge predestined Dietmar Steiner for the role of mediator. Whether between politics and building culture, between laypersons and experts or between clients and architects, he was always concerned with addressing backgrounds and vested interests, and shifting framework conditions to ensure the highest possible quality, especially for the users of architecture.
A number of architects (including ARTEC Architekten, querkraft, gaupenraub +/-, heri&salli, Anna Heringer, SUPERBLOCK, Schenker Salvi Weber Architekten) share their memories of Dietmar Steiner with us. In short performative contributions, the role he played in the history of Austrian architecture unfolds on a personal level.
Welcome address:
Angelika Fitz, Director of the Az W
Heide Schmidt, member of the Az W Board
Moderated by Ute Woltron
Admission free
The event will be broadcast live on zoom. You will find the link at www.azw.at soon