Birke Gorm: terms and conditions
05.09.2024 to 03.11.2024 - MQ ART BOX Host: MQ Art Box Birke Gorm: terms and conditions FREE ENTRY, ART Birke Gorm terms and conditions 05.09. – 03.11.2024 MQ Art Box Birke Gorm's artistic work is cha [...] of materials for her installation ‘terms and conditions’ in the MQ Art Box. Curated by: Verena Kaspar-Eisert, Chief Curator MQ MQ Art Box
Screening | MQ Artist-in-Residence Giulia Magno & Valerie Habsburg
04.12.2024 - Raum D / Q21 Host: MQ Cultural Tenants Screening | MQ Artist-in-Residence Giulia Magno & Valerie Habsburg FREE ENTRY, ART, FILM & DIGITAL CULTURE Screening MQ Artist-in-Residence Giulia Magno [...] filmmaker, art historian, and curator based in Rome. Drawing inspiration from cinema, architecture, literature, painting, and performance art, her films interweave references to the histories of film, art, and [...] culture, exploring the role that images play in the construction of personal and collective identity. MQ Art Box
Robert Fleischanderl: Why aren't you laughing?
12.2024 - MQ Forecourt Robert Fleischanderl: Why aren't you laughing? FREE ENTRY, ART Robert Fleischanderl Why aren't you laughing? 14 stories about domestic violence 08.11. – 10.12.2024 MQ Forecourt / [...] rl © Robert Fleischanderl © Robert Fleischanderl © Robert Fleischanderl © Robert Fleischanderl MQ Art Box [...] / Heldenplatz / Burgring Austrian artist Robert Fleischanderl is realising an art project in public space on the MQ forecourt and along the Burgring. In ‘Why don't you laugh? 14 Stories about Domestic
Sofia Goscinski: DESERT PLANTS
14.11.2024 to 09.02.2025 - MQ ART BOX Host: MQ Art Box Sofia Goscinski: DESERT PLANTS FREE ENTRY, ART Sofia Goscinski DESERT PLANTS until 09.02.2025 MQ Art Box In the MQ Art Box, Sofia Goscinski has arranged [...] Goscinski, DESERT PLANTS, Foto: Simon Veres Sofia Goscinski, DESERT PLANTS, Photo: Simon Veres MQ Art Box [...] direct relationship with the material. Curated by: Verena Kaspar-Eisert, Chief Curator MQ As part of the Vienna Art Week . Photo: Visualisation © Sofia Goscinski Sofia Goscinski, DESERT PLANTS, Photo: Simon
Inna Schewtschenko & Elsa Okazaki: Peace Plan
24.02.2025 to 04.05.2025 - MQ Forecourt Inna Schewtschenko & Elsa Okazaki: Peace Plan FREE ENTRY, ART Inna Shevchenko & Elsa Okazaki Peace Plan 24.02. – 04.05.2025 MQ Forecourt Panel discussion : Wed 05 [...] Okazaki KRIE(K)G © Inna Schewtschenko & Elsa Okazaki KRIE(K)G © Inna Schewtschenko & Elsa Okazaki MQ Art Box [...] political art and protest actions. After political persecution in Ukraine and Belarus, she was forced into exile and was granted political asylum in France in 2013. Through her writing, art and activism
Opening: Fabian Seiz | Speechless Signs
20.02.2025 to 18.05.2025 - MQ ART BOX Host: MQ Art Box Opening: Fabian Seiz | Speechless Signs FREE ENTRY, ART Fabian Seiz Speechless Signs Opening: Mi 19.02.2025 MQ Art Box In his sculptures and installations [...] mechanisms of mass production, consumption and memory. 20.02. – 18.05.2025 | MQ Art Box Image: Speechless Signs © Fabian Seiz MQ Art Box [...] well as destruction and recycling. His early work is also used as material for new works, giving his art itself a circular structure. At the same time, he reflects in his works on the social and aesthetic
Fabian Seiz: Speechless Signs
20.02.2025 to 18.05.2025 - MQ ART BOX Host: MQ Art Box Fabian Seiz: Speechless Signs FREE ENTRY, ART Fabian Seiz Speechless Signs 20.02. – 18.05.2025 MQ Art Box In his sculptures and installations, Fabian [...] Speechless Signs © Fabian Seiz, photo: Simon Veres Speechless Signs © Fabian Seiz, photo: Simon Veres MQ Art Box [...] well as destruction and recycling. His early work is also used as material for new works, giving his art itself a circular structure. At the same time, he reflects in his works on the social and aesthetic
Similarities - MuseumsQuartier Wien
01.09.2020 to 10.11.2020 - MQ ART BOX, MQ Main Courtyard Similarities FREE ENTRY, ART Similarities MQ Artbox Installation 01.09. thru 10.11., Tue thru Thu, 10 – 01h;, Fri & Sat, 10 – 02h; So 10 – 24h Die [...] Die Silhouette der „MQ Libelle“ wird von Alex Kasses in Zusammenarbeit mit „THISPLAY“ in einen dauerhaften Schwebezustand versetzt. Die Arbeit „SIMILARITIES“ verwandelt die MQ Art Box in einen interaktiven
Beate Gütschow. Widerstand, Flut, Brand, Widerstand l Laure Winants. From a Tongue We Are Losing
27 thu 28 fri 29 sat 30 sun 22.03—23.06.2024, daily except Monday 11–19h MQ Freiraum and MQ Salon Tickets at the box office and MQ Point: €10 regular, €5 reduced rate Opening: Thu 21.03., 19h, free admission [...] 2024 to 23.06.2024 - MQ Freiraum l FOTO ARSENAL WIEN, MQ Salon l FOTO ARSENAL WIEN Beate Gütschow. Widerstand, Flut, Brand, Widerstand l Laure Winants. From a Tongue We Are Losing ART Show dates Next dates [...] highlights the interdependence of ecosystems. With her approach she is creating a dialogue between art, science, and technology. Image credits: Beate Gütschow, Samstag, 14. Jänner 2023 um 14:00 Lützerath
Opening: Birke Gorm | terms and conditions
09.2024 - MQ ART BOX Host: MQ Art Box Opening: Birke Gorm | terms and conditions FREE ENTRY, ART Birke Gorm terms and conditions Eröffnung: Mi 04.09.2024, 18h 05.09. – 03.11.2024 MQ Art Box Birke Gorm's [...] of materials for her installation ‘terms and conditions’ in the MQ Art Box. Curated by: Verena Kaspar-Eisert, Chief Curator MQ MQ Art Box