The Ballad of Maria Lassnig
Filmmaker Hubert Sielecki talks about the legendary music video "The Ballad of Maria Lassnig", in which painter Maria Lassnig sings about her life.
The Ballad of Maria Lassnig
Maria Lassnig, Hubert Sielecki, AT 1992, 08:00 min
The Austrian artist Maria Lassnig tells us the story of her life in 14 verses, beginning with her birth and ending with her life as it is today. Simultaneously– in the background–we see the story as animated drawings, full of irony, humor and wisdom. “The world and the people in their comic-tragic confusion, prejudices, and superstitions gave me plenty of material, to point my finger at”, Lassnig wrote about the film that she realized in collaboration with animation artist Hubert Sielecki. “Imperfection and pain can be overcome with humor.”
The film is part of the exhibition "shaping democracy - the republic in 24 frames per century" on show until June 3, 2018 at frei_raum Q21 exhibition space.