Workers leaving the factory (again)
Katharina Gruzei talks about her film "Die ArbeiterInnen verlassen die Fabrik (workers leaving the factory (again))" that is part of the exhibition "shaping democracy - the republic in 24 frames per century" curated by Doris Bauer and Daniel Ebner (VIS Vienna Shorts) at frei_raum Q21 exhibition space / MuseumsQuartier Wien. The exhibition is on show until June 3, 2018.
Die ArbeiterInnen verlassen die Fabrik (workers leaving the factory (again))
Katharina Gruzei, AT 2012, 11:00 min
Inspired by the Lumière brothers’ first film, the setting is a passageway at the closed Austria Tabak factory, which emerges from the darkness. Just sections of the corridor flash into view in the buzzing neon light. The backs of the first workers gradually enter the picture, and the camera accompanies these individuals as they leave their place of work. More and more of them walk down the dark, flickering hallway. Through these scenes the weirdness of the space and the menacing quality of a mass of people who could form a resistance movement becomes increasingly evident.
The film is part of the group exhibition "shaping democracy - the republic in 24 frames per century" that is on show until June 3, 2018 at frei_raum Q21 exhibition space.