A Win for Culture! Lottery Day - MuseumsQuartier Wien
LEOPOLD MUSEUM, mumok You checked the boxes, tore open the ticket, scratched off the numbers. Think you didn\'t win anything? You\'re wrong. If you stop by at MQ Point at the MuseumsQuartier Wien on Thu [...] 22.06.2012 to 22.06.2012 A Win for Culture! Lottery Day ART Date fri, 22.06.2012 All dates • Days with event June 2012 01 fri 02 sat 03 sun 04 mo 05 tue 06 wed 07 thu 08 fri 09 sat 10 sun 11 mo 12 tue
MQ Summer of Fashion Opening - MuseumsQuartier Wien
Thu, Jun 14 18:00 Yellow Carpet Fashion Show by Volume Magazine and Raiffeisen Yellow-Box Venue: Yellow-Box and MQ Main Court (in case of rain: Arena21) 19:00 Opening Reflecting Fashion. Kunst und Mode [...] sat 24 sun 25 mo 26 tue 27 wed 28 thu 29 fri 30 sat MQ Summer of Fashion Opening presented by VÖSLAUER Date: Thu, Jun 14 to Sat, Jun 16 Opening of \"MQ Summer of Fashion\" with exhibition openings, fashion [...] the influence of fashion on art in its main summer exhibition and, in a historically structured presentation, casts light on clothing and fashion as an essential component in art since the beginnings of modernism
10 years of the MUMOK - 10 years MQ - MuseumsQuartier Wien
the MUMOK - 10 years MQ Opening Special: Fri, Sep 09 and Sat, Sep 10 Venue: MQ Main Court, Various Locations Free admission! The MUMOK is celebrating the 10th anniversary of the MQ - and simultaneously [...] Moderner Kunst. Information and tour programs will be available at the MUMOK Box (in the MQ Haupthof from June to August). ArtNight offers short activities around and at the MUMOK construction site relating [...] 09.09.2011 to 10.09.2011 10 years of the MUMOK - 10 years MQ ART Previous dates sat, 10.09.2011 fri, 09.09.2011 All dates • Days with event September 2011 01 thu 02 fri 03 sat 04 sun 05 mo 06 tue 07 wed
frame[o]ut: Public talk with Anton Corbijn - MuseumsQuartier Wien
Venue: MQ Courtyard 8 (at the boules court) Free admission! \r\n Program: 21:00 Public talk with Anton Corbijn 21:30 Music videos: Depeche Mode „Barrel Of A Gun\" (1997), Nirvana „Heart Shaped Box\" (1993) [...] to 27.08.2011 frame[o]ut: Public talk with Anton Corbijn LEISURE & OUTDOOR, FILM & DIGITAL CULTURE, ART Date sat, 27.08.2011 All dates • Days with event August 2011 01 mo 02 tue 03 wed 04 thu 05 fri 06 sat [...] - digital summer screenings \r\n Duration: Jul 8 to Aug 27, every Fri and Sat from 21:30 Location: MQ Courtyard 8 (at the boules court) Free admission! \r\n Program frame[o]ut - digital summer screenings
A Win for Culture! Lottery Day - MuseumsQuartier Wien
LEOPOLD MUSEUM, MUMOK You checked the boxes, tore open the ticket, scratched off the numbers. Think you didn\'t win anything? You\'re wrong. If you stop by at MQ Point at the MuseumsQuartier Wien on May [...] 27.05.2011 to 27.05.2011 A Win for Culture! Lottery Day ART Date fri, 27.05.2011 All dates • Days with event May 2011 01 sun 02 mo 03 tue 04 wed 05 thu 06 fri 07 sat 08 sun 09 mo 10 tue 11 wed 12 thu 13
Benedetta Jacovoni (ITA): "Molecular Box" und "Ritualnet 2009" - MuseumsQuartier Wien
11.06.2009 to 30.06.2009 Benedetta Jacovoni (ITA): "Molecular Box" und "Ritualnet 2009" DANCE/PERFORMANCE/MUSIC, LEISURE & OUTDOOR, ART Previous dates tue, 30.06.2009 - 23.00 h mo, 29.06.2009 sun, 28.06 [...] • 30 tue • 11.06. bis 30.06., 10-22h Visualistin des Monats: Benedetta Jacovoni (ITA) - "Molecular Box" und "Ritualnet 2009" Artist-in-Residence Benedetta Jacovoni (ITA) füllt die Vport-Koje mit einer [...] geborgen und gefangen zugleich fühlen. Eine pinke Schnur wird außerdem von der Installation quer durchs MQ-Areal in den Vorgarten von Jacovonis Wohnstudio führen, wo sie die gemeinsam mit Artist-in-Residence
Digital Canvas – Art for Screens - MuseumsQuartier Wien
tue 26 wed 27 thu 28 fri 29 sat 30 sun 31 mo “Digital Canvas – Art for Screens“ 13. November bis 9. Dezember 2007 im net.culture.space, MQ Eröffnung am 13. November, 19 Uhr - Öffentlich zugänglich und gratis [...] 13.11.2007 to 09.12.2007 Digital Canvas – Art for Screens FILM & DIGITAL CULTURE Previous dates sun, 09.12.2007 - 23.00 h sat, 08.12.2007 fri, 07.12.2007 thu, 06.12.2007 All dates • Days with event November [...] Von 13. November bis 9. Dezember präsentieren Telekom Austria und Ars Electronica Digital Canvas – Art for Screens (Eröffnung am 13. November, 19 Uhr - öffentlich). Ein für 22. November (19 Uhr) geplantes
Monat der Fotografie - MuseumsQuartier Wien
Black Box: Wiens Analytiker Im Rahmen des Sigmund-Freud Jahres 2006 wurden Wiener Psychoanalytiker eingeladen, sich in der begehbaren Kamera zu fotografieren. Allein mit sich in der Black Box, bestimmen [...] 04.11.2006 to 22.11.2006 Monat der Fotografie ART Previous dates wed, 22.11.2006 - 20.00 h tue, 21.11.2006 mo, 20.11.2006 sun, 19.11.2006 All dates • Days with event November 2006 01 wed 02 thu 03 fri [...] , die Info.Zentrale des "Monats der Fotografie" stationiert sein. Weitere Fotografie-Highlights im MQ bieten die Kunsthalle Wien ("Americans", ab 3.11.), das Leopold Museum (Erich Lessing, ab 13.10.) und
Kaja Clara Joo: ARTE FACTUM - MuseumsQuartier Wien
/ kunst-und-raederwerk.net https://www.kajajoo.com Share Share - facebook Share - twitter MQ ART BOX MQ ART BOX program in August opening hours mo-sun: 00-24h [...] 14.03.2021 to 09.05.2021 - MQ ART BOX Host: Q21 Kaja Clara Joo: ARTE FACTUM FREE ENTRY, ART Previous dates sun, 09.05.2021 sat, 08.05.2021 fri, 07.05.2021 thu, 06.05.2021 All dates • Days with event March [...] Neulengbach. Studies of Photography with Gabriele Rothemann and TransArts- Transdisciplinary Arts at the University of applied arts Vienna. Curated by Smolka Contemporary / smolkacontemporary.at Technical
Johannes Rass. LUMEN - MuseumsQuartier Wien
Fabian Gasperl Johannes Rass: LUMEN © Fabian Gasperl Johannes Rass: LUMEN © Fabian Gasperl MQ ART BOX MQ ART BOX program in August opening hours mo-sun: 00-24h [...] - MQ ART BOX Host: Q21 Johannes Rass. LUMEN FREE ENTRY, ART Playing time of the Installation: daily between 4:30 - 8:30 PM In addition to the unit of light production, Lumen (Latin for light, an opening) [...] reveal their contents only once darkness falls: a spectacle of light and sound transforms the MQ ArtBox into the backdrop for constantly varying sound and light atmospheres. 18 sequences of about 10 minutes