Gesichter der Europa - MuseumsQuartier Wien
01.01.2019 to 20.02.2019 - MQ Freiraum Gesichter der Europa FREE ENTRY, ART ANTOINETTE GESICHTER DER EUROPA For more than 30 years, the painter ANTOINETTE from Leipzig has artistically explored the search
MQ Jahreskarte (annual pass) 2019 - MuseumsQuartier Wien
13.11.2018 to 31.01.2019 - MQ Point MQ Jahreskarte (annual pass) 2019 ART MQ Jahreskarte (annual pass) 2019 365 days for only € 79,-, includes LEOPOLD MUSEUM, Kunsthalle Wien und mumok. - free entry to [...] 31.12.2019 Availability: currently available until the end of January 2019 The MQ Jahreskarte is only available at the MQ Point at the main entrance of the MuseumsQuartier! Share Share - facebook
Frank Geßner: Expandedada Vinci: Diadadavinci - Rückprohomacine - Fakehockanew - MuseumsQuartier Wien
Host: Q21 Frank Geßner: Expandedada Vinci: Diadadavinci - Rückprohomacine - Fakehockanew FREE ENTRY, ART, FILM & DIGITAL CULTURE Previous dates tue, 08.01.2019 mo, 07.01.2019 sun, 06.01.2019 sat, 05.01.2019
Connected by - MuseumsQuartier Wien
29.11.2018 to 30.12.2018 - MQ Pop-Up Schauraum Host: Q21 Connected by FREE ENTRY, ART, DANCE/PERFORMANCE/MUSIC Previous dates sun, 30.12.2018 sat, 29.12.2018 fri, 28.12.2018 thu, 27.12.2018 All dates • [...] Schödl | Loidesthal Share Share - facebook MQ Pop-Up Schauraum MQ Pop-Up Schauraum program in August
MQ Tours - MuseumsQuartier Wien
Tickets: Buy tickets at MQ Point before the beginning of the tour Find out more about our <link https: fileadmin newsletter mq pdf tour_folder mq_tours.pdf _blank>MQ Tours Share Share - facebook [...] sun 31 mo Site Tour Creating art and experiencing art, leisure activities and relaxation intertwine at the MuseumsQuartier into an indivisible whole. The General Tour of the MQ offers visitors an exciting [...] individually before the tour. Validate tickets at MQ Point before the beginning of the tour. Tour group meets in front of MQ Point at the Main Entrance to the MQ. Length of tour: approx. 1 hour. Tour takes place
SUBOTRON pro games: Live Pitch of Austrian Games #11: Student Projects - MuseumsQuartier Wien
07.12.2018 to 07.12.2018 - Raum D / Q21 Host: Q21 SUBOTRON pro games: Live Pitch of Austrian Games #11: Student Projects FREE ENTRY, FILM & DIGITAL CULTURE Date fri, 07.12.2018 19h All dates • Days wi
STATION ROSE 30.0.11 - AA_Autumnal Augmentation - MuseumsQuartier Wien
01.11.2018 to 30.11.2018 Host: Q21 STATION ROSE 30.0.11 - AA_Autumnal Augmentation FREE ENTRY, ART, FILM & DIGITAL CULTURE Previous dates fri, 30.11.2018 thu, 29.11.2018 wed, 28.11.2018 tue, 27.11.2018 [...] anniversary year, there is a new augmented summer installation. The digital world merges with the real MQ-exhibition situation. To play the augmented reality, the free Artivive app is required. #digitalart
Opening Brücken- and Sternenpassage - Hotel Palindrone live - MuseumsQuartier Wien
Opening Brücken- and Sternenpassage - Hotel Palindrone live FREE ENTRY, ART, LEISURE & OUTDOOR, ARCHITEKTUR ERÖFFNUNG 2 NEUER MQ MIKROMUSEEN Das Areal des MuseumsQuartier wird von allen Seiten durch Passagen [...] Passagen erschlossen, die die einzelnen Höfe miteinander verbinden. Innerhalb des MQ Areals haben sich auf Initiative des Q21 mehrere „Mikromuseen“ in Form von Themenpassagen etabliert. Das Konzept hierfür [...] Werk von ANTONIA RIPPEL-STEFANSKA. Die Eröffnung der BRÜCKENPASSAGE & STERNENPASSAGE findet mit u.a. MQ Direktor Christian Strasser, Vitus Weh, den KuratorInnen der Passagen Sabine Jelinek und Hans Schabus
The VIENNA ART WEEK @ Q21 - MuseumsQuartier Wien
19.11.2018 to 25.11.2018 - MQ Freiraum, Artist Studios, Raum D / Q21, TONSPUR_passage Host: Q21 The VIENNA ART WEEK @ Q21 FREE ENTRY, EDUCATION, ART Previous dates sun, 25.11.2018 sat, 24.11.2018 fri, [...] and human rights. For VIENNA ART WEEK, GRANNIES AGAINST THE RIGHT will operate a GRANNY Café to serve as a meeting place and space for action. Promises of salvation found in art and politics will be critically [...] theorists to network and exchange views with actors of the local art scene. This makes them an important link between the Viennese and international art scenes. Guided tours of Artist-in-Residence studios provide
Studio Visit - MuseumsQuartier Wien
theorists to network and exchange views with actors of the local art scene. This makes them an important link between the Viennese and international art scenes. Guided tours of Artist-in-Residence studios provide [...] 24.11.2018 to 24.11.2018 - Artist Studios Host: Q21 Studio Visit FREE ENTRY, EDUCATION, ART Date sat, 24.11.2018 12h All dates • Days with event November 2018 01 thu 02 fri 03 sat 04 sun 05 mo 06 tue 07 [...] 19 mo 20 tue 21 wed 22 thu 23 fri 24 sat • 25 sun 26 mo 27 tue 28 wed 29 thu 30 fri Meeting point: MQ Courtyard 7 (Entrance across from Volkstheater) Artist-in-Residence programs are a great opportunity