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pseudoscienza - SURPRISE EDITION

16.12.2016 to 01.01.2017 - MQ Pop-Up Schauraum
Host: MQ Cultural Tenants

pseudoscienza - SURPRISE EDITION


pseudoscienza - SURPRISE EDITION pseudoscienza - SURPRISE EDITION

Opening: Fri, Dec 16, 19:00
Venue: Jan Arnold Gallery
Admission free

The 3rd issue of pseudoscienza - art magazine is about surprises. It investigates the surprise factor in the era of oversaturated media feeds and general consumerism – from terrorist attacks, political populism, conspiracy and emotional pornography to our intimate and personal surprise factor,  which artists would like to cherish un-condemned from the daily hysteria and share it with the public in the most authentic way.

The surprise edition is not intended to be shocking in a visual sense;  the true horror or the beauty is mostly hidden under the context of what is conspicuous or easily accessible. The concept of gathering artworks digitally deals with each artist‘s desires and visions. Chatting, observing, modifying and assembling the works together was an important part of the process of making and shaping this new book.

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