Michel Pou Díaz: error [beauty machine]
to 27.07.2023 - SCHAURAUM Angewandte Host: Q21 Michel Pou Díaz: error [beauty machine] FREE ENTRY, ART, FILM & DIGITAL CULTURE Previous dates thu, 27.07.2023 wed, 26.07.2023 tue, 25.07.2023 mo, 24.07.2023 [...] which seemingly everything wants to be beautiful, perfect and hardly questionable.“ Michel Pou D íaz (MQ Artist-in-Resicence in May 2023) Curated by Ruth Schnell and Tommy Schneider Michel Pou Díaz , * Habana [...] instead of quantity and exploitation. Exhibitions: Habana Biennale, Center for the Development of the Arts in Habana, Pingyao International PhotoFestival, Pingyao/China, ola cuba! Lille/France. digitalekunst
Peter Putz: Montezuma's Revenge. From OBUWIE via Mont Real to The Eternal Archives - MuseumsQuartier Wien
Q21 Peter Putz: Montezuma's Revenge. From OBUWIE via Mont Real to The Eternal Archives FREE ENTRY, ART, FILM & DIGITAL CULTURE Previous dates sat, 29.02.2020 fri, 28.02.2020 thu, 27.02.2020 wed, 26.02.2020 [...] Reality. Numerous exhibitions and presentations, among others at Wien Museum (2012), Kunsthalle Wien, MQ (2014), Maison Heinrich Heine, Paris (2015), Concordia University, Montreal (2015). The video „The
Langer Tag der Flucht: Guided tour "No Dancing Allowed"
30.09.2022 to 30.09.2022 - MQ Freiraum Langer Tag der Flucht: Guided tour "No Dancing Allowed" EDUCATION, ART, FILM & DIGITAL CULTURE LANGER TAG DER FLUCHT Guided exhibition tour: „No Dancing Allowed“
on the other hand the global idea of a networked world. Sa 27.05., 19h: VLAN Radio live at MQ Summer Stage at MQ Maincourtyard vlan.radio @vlan.radio @vlan.radi o Share Share - facebook Share - twitter Hof [...] 07.04.2023 to 23.06.2023 - Hof 8 Host: Q21 VLAN.RADIO FREE ENTRY, ART, DANCE/PERFORMANCE/MUSIC Previous dates fri, 23.06.2023 fri, 16.06.2023 fri, 09.06.2023 fri, 02.06.2023 All dates • Days with event [...] music (almost) every Friday from different spaces, from April to June live from courtyard 8 of the MQ. The focus of the curation of "vlan.radio" is on empowerment of marginalized groups. Although many
TONSPUR 83: Mario Verandi (ARG): Theatrum Sonorum - MuseumsQuartier Wien
02.2020 - TONSPUR_passage Host: Q21 TONSPUR 83: Mario Verandi (ARG): Theatrum Sonorum FREE ENTRY, ART, DANCE/PERFORMANCE/MUSIC Previous dates sat, 22.02.2020 10.00 h - 20.00 h fri, 21.02.2020 10.00 h - [...] of all the actors and opera singers that once performed in the theatre start whispering from the boxes and stalls …” (freely adapted from the play “Six Characters in Search of an Author” by Luigi Pirandello [...] Nicolás, Argentina in 1960, lives and works in Berlin. 72th TONSPUR-Artist-in-Residence of the Q21/MQ. Concept, recordings, composition: Mario Verandi Photo gallery: Germán Aranda Musicians: Dina Bolshakova
Philipp Timischl: An abstract and a site-specific painting walk outside a museum
Alexander Eugen Koller © Alexander Eugen Koller © Alexander Eugen Koller © Alexander Eugen Koller MQ ART BOX MQ ART BOX program in August opening hours mo-sun: 00-24h [...] 08.01.2022 to 05.03.2022 - MQ ART BOX Host: Q21 Philipp Timischl: An abstract and a site-specific painting walk outside a museum FREE ENTRY, ART Previous dates sat, 05.03.2022 fri, 04.03.2022 thu, 03.03 [...] outside a museum is the title of Philipp Timischl’s installation, specifically conceived for the MQ Art Box. The artist shows two paintings he turned into sculptures by extending them with stage scaffolding
MEKL: A Problem Solved - MuseumsQuartier Wien
2020 - KABINETT comic passage Host: Q21 MEKL: A Problem Solved FREE ENTRY, LITERATURE & DISCOURSE, ART Previous dates wed, 12.02.2020 tue, 11.02.2020 mo, 10.02.2020 sun, 09.02.2020 All dates • Days with
Lauren Moffatt: The Tulpamancer - MuseumsQuartier Wien
13.11.2019 to 09.02.2020 Host: Q21 Lauren Moffatt: The Tulpamancer FREE ENTRY, ART, FILM & DIGITAL CULTURE Previous dates sun, 09.02.2020 10.00 h - 22.00 h sat, 08.02.2020 10.00 h - 22.00 h fri, 07.02
Marko Dinić: Der Antrag - MuseumsQuartier Wien
31.01.2020 - Literaturpassage Host: Q21 Marko Dinić: Der Antrag FREE ENTRY, LITERATURE & DISCOURSE, ART Previous dates fri, 31.01.2020 thu, 30.01.2020 wed, 29.01.2020 tue, 28.01.2020 All dates • Days with
Jakob Gasteiger: Aluminium - MuseumsQuartier Wien
fri • Exhibition at MQ Art Box MQ Art Box displays artworks by Jakob Gasteiger from "Aluminium". Share Share - facebook Share - twitter MQ Art Box Jakob Gasteiger MQ ART BOX MQ ART BOX program in August [...] 25.11.2019 to 31.01.2020 - MQ ART BOX Host: Q21 Jakob Gasteiger: Aluminium FREE ENTRY, ART Previous dates fri, 31.01.2020 thu, 30.01.2020 wed, 29.01.2020 tue, 28.01.2020 All dates • Days with event November