Studio Visit - MuseumsQuartier Wien
29 sun 30 mo Meeting Point: MQ Courtyard 7 / Entrance Volkstheater Admission free The Artist-in-Residence program of Q21 enables international artists, curators und cultural producers to live and work in [...] Wolfgang Brunner guides through the artist studios of the MuseumsQuartier. The current Artists-in-Residence will present their projects and give insights into their creative worlds. Anton Burdakov (GBR):
Children's Workshop "MONSTER PARTY" with Artist-in-Residence Emiliano Maggi (ITA) - MuseumsQuartier Wien
07.11.2015 to 07.11.2015 Children's Workshop "MONSTER PARTY" with Artist-in-Residence Emiliano Maggi (ITA) CHILDREN & FAMILY, ART Date sat, 07.11.2015 All dates • Days with event November 2015 01 sun 02 [...] wed 26 thu 27 fri 28 sat 29 sun 30 mo For max. 10 children aged 6-12 years Location: Artist-in-Residence studio 513 Registration: <link> Participation is free of charge The workshop welcomes
AJNHAJTCLUB - MuseumsQuartier Wien
Popivoda* (SRB), Roberto Uribe-Castro* (COL/NLD), Addie Wagenknecht (USA), and others *Q21/MQ Artist-in-Residence Curator: Bogomir Doringer (SRB/NLD) Exhibition design: Martin Hickmann, department for stage and
Magnus Sodamin (NOR/USA): HIDE AND SEEK - MuseumsQuartier Wien
sat • 30 sun • 31 mo • Opening: Sat, Jun 20, 19:00 Admission free During his stay as Artist-in-Residence, Magnuns Sodamin works on a transdisciplinary installation at a site-specific location of PERFEKT
Lei Lei (CHN): Reading. Video loops: Books on books no.1 - no.5 - MuseumsQuartier Wien
West' back on to Western secondhand books that I acquired over the years." - Lei Lei, Artist-in-Residence empfohlen von VIS Vienna Independent Shorts und ASIFA Austria <link http:>www.asifa
Side Events to the Exhibition "Notes on the Beginning of the Short 20th Century" - MuseumsQuartier Wien
Venue: freiraum quartier21 INTERNATIONAL Lectures (in German language) by Cosima Reif and Artist-in-Residence Beate Passow (GER) and film screenings by André Werner (Director's Lounge Berlin) dealing with drug [...] INTERNATIONAL and MQ Main Court Yard The performance "woman as if she will be a man" by Artist-in-Residence Tatiana Fiodorova refers to a rethinking of the role of women in the First World War as well as [...] freiraum quartier21 INTERNATIONAL Registration: <link> Workshop with Artists-in-Residence Ruppe Koselleck and Susanne von Bülow (GER) Date: Sat, Aug 08, 12-16:00 Venue: Raum D / quartier21
As Rights Go By — On the Erosion and Denial of Rights - MuseumsQuartier Wien
Ressi (AT), Judith Siegmund* (DE), Lina Theodorou* (GR), Carey Young (GB) et al. *Q21/MQ Artist-in-Residence Curator: Sabine Winkler How do we link restrictions on civil rights and the deprivation of refugees'
Radius Festival 2015 - MuseumsQuartier Wien tickets _blank>online From the 9th – 12th July 2015, Radius Festival will take up residence at the Ovalhalle in the famous MuseumsQuartier, right in the heart of Vienna, Austria. Like no other
Anke Feuchtenberger (GER): Ich, Petra Wolf - MuseumsQuartier Wien
2013, Anke Feuchtenberger, (comic) artist spent a month at the MuseumsQuartier Wien as Artist-in-Residence, where she realized her booklet for KABINETT. Vienna by night serves as a background scenery for
Madi Piller (CAN): Film on FILM - MuseumsQuartier Wien
re-animated under a macro view on Super 8 mm through glass reflections. Madi Piller (CAN) is Artist-in-Residence of quartier21/MQ recommended by ASIFA AUSTRIA in April and May 2015. She will present her works