01.10.2014 to 30.11.2014 - Literaturpassage
Host: MQ Cultural Tenants
Kaffeesätze (Coffee Grounds)

Venue: LITERATURpassage, between MQ Courtyard 3 and Mariahilfer Strasse
Admission free
In the third volume of the series "Reihe mit Vorsatz" (Series with Endpaper) authors Nomen Nescio and Elena Messner have concentrated on coffee grounds. The poems by Georgi Gospodinov, who was a quartier21 Writer-in-Residence, show »the crows from Vienna« in their various forms, recall the timbre of the Südbahnhof Wien and trace the choreography of a »Viennese Sunday«.
<link http: www.textfeldsuedost.com literaturpassage reihe-mit-vorsatz-band-3>www.textfeldsuedost.com/literaturpassage/reihe-mit-vorsatz-band-3