OBOM (CAN): Busy Nights - MuseumsQuartier Wien
2016 and was shown at Tricky Women Festival in 2017. On invitation of KABINETT, Obom is Artist-in-Residence in MQ in July 2017. Her exhibition and booklet "Busy Nights" - three stories based on Obom's dream
Axel Void (USA) - MuseumsQuartier Wien
• 30 wed • 31 thu • Venue: STREET ART PASSAGE VIENNA Admission free During is stay as Artist-in-Residence of Q21/MQ, Axel Void created a new panel installation at the #Streetartpassage. Curated by Sebastian [...] Granada, and Sevilla, and based himself in Berlin until moving to Miami in 2013, where he currently resides. <link http: www.betonblumen.org>www.betonblumen.org <link http: www.axelvoid.com>www.axelvoid.com
LUSH SUX (AUS): Residence at #Streetartpassage - MuseumsQuartier Wien
27.07.2017 to 27.08.2017 - MQ Pop-Up Schauraum Host: Q21 LUSH SUX (AUS): Residence at #Streetartpassage ART Previous dates sun, 27.08.2017 10.00 h - 22.00 h sat, 26.08.2017 10.00 h - 22.00 h fri, 25.08 [...] OWNGV Melbourne - 2014 Banksy’s Dismaland - 2015 Secret show in Melbourne - 2016 The Artist-in-Residence Program in cooperation with Q21 is part of the art complex MuseumsQuartier, Vienna. Curated by <link
Ivana Pegan Baće: The Dark Places - MuseumsQuartier Wien
stimulated through visual, linguistic and auditory impulses. Ivana Pegan Baće is Q21 Artist-in-Residence recommended by BMEIA in July and August. Share Share - facebook Raum D / Q21 Raum D / Q21 program
Lucas Bambozzi (BRA): Multitude - MuseumsQuartier Wien
Duration: ca. 1h Registration: <link https: www.facebook.com events _blank>Facebook-Event Artist-in-Residence Lucas Bambozzi will film a scene which portrays a multitude of people from different ages, gender [...] found on places and cities. The film sequence will be shot on the grounds of MQ as part of his residency at Q21. Lucas Bambozzi started creating the Multitude series in 2006 as a site- and context-related
Axel Void (USA): PROCREATION - MuseumsQuartier Wien
Admission free We're happy to announce Axel Void to stay for a month in June as part of the Artist In Residence Program in cooperation with Q21 (MQ). He will work on a huge oil painting to be presented at Jan
OBOM (Diane Obomsawin): Master Class - MuseumsQuartier Wien
sun 31 mo Venue: Raum D / Q21 Registration: <link>post@kabinett.at Admission free As part of her residency in the MuseumsQuartier, Obom (Diane Obomsawin) will hold a lecture on her works. The Master Class [...] 2016 and was shown at Tricky Women Festival in 2017. On invitation of KABINETT, Obom is Artist-in-Residence in MQ in July 2017. Her exhibition and booklet "Busy Nights" - three stories based on Obom's dream
Ivana Tkalčić: Error in Utopia v 0.2 - MuseumsQuartier Wien
ORIS, Zagreb. She is currently in artist residence in Vienna, Austria (NXT Residency, ELIA & Academy of Fine Arts Vienna) and prepares for artist residences in Belgium and Norway. <link http: janarnoldgallery
Fábio Baroli: When the Drought Arrives - MuseumsQuartier Wien
This sequence of his works will focus on depicting the artist’s experience in Vienna during his residency. <link http: janarnoldgallery.com> janarnoldgallery.com Share Share - facebook MQ Pop-Up Schauraum
#Streetartpassage - Open Archive - MuseumsQuartier Wien
Freiraum (MQ - MuseumsQuartier) is to revisit all work international artists have created during their residences for #Streetartpassage in Vienna. Since September 2008, more than 30 world renowned street artists [...] Gasse) and accompanied by a collectable print product. Also stay tuned for the #Streetartpassage residences of Axel Void (US) in June and Lush Sux (AU) in July. Archived artists: Maria Legat (AT) Ben Frost