22.06.2017 to 23.07.2017 - MQ Pop-Up Schauraum
Host: MQ Cultural Tenants

Opening: Thu, Jun 22, 18:00
Venue: Jan Arnold Gallery
Admission free
We're happy to announce Axel Void to stay for a month in June as part of the Artist In Residence Program in cooperation with Q21 (MQ). He will work on a huge oil painting to be presented at Jan Arnold Show Room, on a piece for #Streetartpassage as well as on an exclusive print product with www.leapartprints.com and the mini Magazine release together with www.betonblumen.org that will be available at the opening and through the vending machines at #Streetartpassage.
<link http: janarnoldgallery.com _blank>janarnoldgallery.com