07.06.2024 to 07.06.2024 - MQ Forecourt
WIENER FESTWOCHEN: Box of Truth - Interviewees: Manfred Tisal, Julian Hessenthaler

Box of Truth
Attacks on Democracy
Interviewees: Manfred Tisal, Julian Hessenthaler
Fri 07.06., 17h, MQ Forecourtl free admission
The performance When the cat's away by Emma Ahka in collaboration with Clara Holzer and Aylin Mutluer will take place before and during Box of Truth.
The Box of Truth is a glass container in the courtyard of Vienna’s MuseumsQuartier. It contains two chairs and a lie detector. Every Vienna Trial weekend will start with two public figures being attached to the lie detector and subjected to a public hearing by actor Bibiana Beglau. The thirty-minute sessions will examine particular moral and political constellations that lie behind the scandals of the Vienna Trials. Setting out from life stories, experiences and decisions taken by the prominent participants, the Box of Truth will become a place of political contradictions and ethical dilemmas.
About the Box of Truth – Attacks on Democracy:
Shortly before the European elections, all poll results point to a progressive trend towards right-wing parties. Weekly polls currently appear to place the FPÖ (the Austrian Freedom Party) in the clear lead for national parliamentary elections. Is this party ‘against the system’, which plays on Nazi fantasies of a ‘people's chancellor’, an expression of an endangered, weakened democracy? Is the FPÖ, which styles itself the guardian of anti-corruption measures and security in a fortress Austria, not in itself corrupt and a security risk, as demonstrated by many scandals from Ibiza to questionable Russian connections?