Workshop: Mad masks. Wild creatures

Workshop: Mad masks. Wild creatures

Would you like to become a superhero, zombie, robot, magic fairy, clown or wild animal? Masks have fascinated people for centuries.

date: 06.02.2024 to 09.02.2024

Workshop (6–10): LEG-O-LLEIN

Workshop (6–10): LEG-O-LLEIN

There are plenty of models and drawings to admire in the exhibition "Hollein Calling", as multiple variations were produced in Hans Hollein’s studio for each project — there are twelve models on show just of the entrance to the Volcano Museum. We find inspiration in the exhibition and then build our own projects with LEGO.

date: 05.02.2024 to 06.02.2024

LEO Kinderatelier: Ich bin ich und du bist du

LEO Kinderatelier: Ich bin ich und du bist du

A stern look, a smirk on the face or two beautiful nostrils? With or without hands, from the front or from the side? What is the most important thing in a portrait? We take inspiration from the portraits of various artists and then create our own portrait in the studio!

date: 03.02.2024 to 25.02.2024

Alceste - Jean-Baptiste Lully

Alceste - Jean-Baptiste Lully

There is no tougher test that love can be subjected to: Alceste loses her husband, King Admète, on the day of their wedding. Apollo intervenes and announces that Admète can be brought back from the dead if someone sacrifices their live for him. Hearing this, Alceste stabs herself.

date: 02.02.2024

Marta Navaridas "MANIFESTATIONS"

Marta Navaridas "MANIFESTATIONS"

"MANIFESTATIONS" both questions the structure and conventions of the black box theatre and pays a performative homage to the endless fictional scenarios that can be activated through the imagination.

date: 02.02.2024 to 03.02.2024

Open House für Pädagog:innen

Open House für Pädagog:innen

We invite you to the 2024 programme presentation, guided tour "Behind the scenes", artist talk and discussion. At the OPEN HOUSE, educators and teachers get to know the artists and the DSCHUNGEL WIEN team personally and enter into dialogue with them.

date: 01.02.2024 to 13.02.2024