Hosting: Plot Toy - Saturday Hangout mit Jazmina Figueroa, litte star, syp/biz

Hosting: Plot Toy - Saturday Hangout mit Jazmina Figueroa, litte star, syp/biz

The Saturday Hangouts take place every other day of performances as part of the Rakete festival: a programme devised by various guests to pass the time, to listen and perhaps take notes in lectures, readings, workshops, listening sessions and artist talks.

date: 04.05.2024



In "RANGELN" different perspectives on physical confrontation and the negotiation of forces are opened up. Poetic, sensual and absurd, the performers explore the versatility and self-empowering potential of this archetypal form of play.

date: 03.05.2024 to 06.05.2024

In the spotlight: The Architecture of Viennese Modernism

In the spotlight: The Architecture of Viennese Modernism

In the fin de siècle, Vienna was a breeding ground for an unprecedentedly fertile intellectual life in the arts and sciences. Every first and third Friday of the month, the series of guided tours is dedicated to a specific theme that reflects the achievements and special features of this era.

date: 03.05.2024 to 17.05.2024

Ewa Dziarnowska: This resting, patience

Ewa Dziarnowska: This resting, patience

Part ghostly repository of unconsumed sensuality, an installative kinetic fadeout, part somatic (strip)tease, "This resting, patience" addresses attraction, voluntary objectification, proximity and the aesthetics of bareness.

date: 03.05.2024 to 04.05.2024

Rakete: A new generation of choreography & performance

Rakete: A new generation of choreography & performance

With choreographic devotion to the entanglement of body and sound, the artists of the "Rakete" festival deconstruct our experiences of time with quiet ecstasy and bold tenderness.

date: 03.05.2024 to 25.05.2024



Join us on a journey of discovery and dare to go with us where few people have gone before. When does our heart slip into our trousers? Is the fear in our bones or in our stomach? What makes us sweat? Do we react with lightning speed? Do we fall into a state of paralysis or should we face our fear?

date: 02.05.2024 to 16.06.2024