28.02.2020 to 01.11.2020
Approximation by Bilderbuch

In physics, an approximation is the process of a curve’s tender approach to a straight line. Within the context of this exhibition, the term refers to artistic practices that allow observation and expression to approach one another. In some cases, this gradual yet never-ending alignment occurs in the collective. And so, the works on show are all by artists who have joined Bilderbuch in working together. Be it for stage sets, videos, album covers, physical or digital objects: the exhibition provides exciting insights far beyond their pop-cultural context.
featured artists: Elizaveta Porodina, Stefan Marx, Leonardo Scotti, Neven Allgeier, Mafia Tabak, Sucuk & Bratwurst, Boris Camaca, Daliah Spiegel, SELAM X, Simone Cihlar, Fresh Max, Clemens Loeffelholz, OBJ.Studio
curated by Bilderbuch, Fresh Max, Jannik Schäfer & Klaus Krobath
Proximity Check: guided tours for bands – through an exhibition about a band