01.02.2019 to 02.02.2019 - Tanzquartier Wien
Sonja Jokiniemi - Blab
„Blab is a poetic parade, a moving three-dimensional painting.“ — Fransien van der Putt, Theaterkrant
Finnish dancer and performer Sonja Jokiniemi invites us to a journey back in time, into a world before there was language. Blab literally translates as meaningless jabbering and stuttering. Blab wants to leave behind identifiable categorisations and take a leap into the unknown; the place where humans and objects seem intertwined. The bodies on stage will expand, an amorphous, multisensory sculpture will evolve. Ambiguous objects made of textile fabrics, hair, latex and chains will be scattered across the stage and thus create a surreal scenery. Blab is unpredictable – at one moment, sweet and soft, and in the next, hard and aggressive. Blab is a best of compilation of Freud.
Double feature: Following Blab, you have the opportunity to see the performance and and by Lisa Hinterreithner at 21.00 at TQW Studios.
Tanzquartier Wien
opening hours
mo-fri: | 9 – 19.30h |
sat: | 10 – 19.30h |
sun: | closed |
Tanzquartier Wien GmbH
Museumsplatz 1, A-1070 Wien
Tel.: +43-1-581 35 91