23.11.2014 to 23.11.2014 - MQ Showrooms
Host: MQ Cultural Tenants
Art & Games feat. Jörg Piringer
Venue: Electric Avenue
Admission free
As part of the common game night organized by Broken Rules, eSeL REZEPTION and ZamSpielen, selected parlour and computer games on a video screen in the Electric Avenue of quartier21 stimulate a personal exploration of digital art and its protagonists.
Besides other “communication offerings with game rules,” media artist and musician Jörg Piringer invites viewers to interact with his sound poetry apps on smartphones and tablets at the eSeL REZEPTION. “Untitled,” another installation by Piringer, transforms the visitors’ sounds and speech into live, abstract visual text compositions.
<link https: www.facebook.com events _blank>"Bring your own games!"
Image: © Jörg Piringer