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Melanie Hollaus & Christoph Lammerhuber: Stones Between The Fronts

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Melanie Hollaus & Christoph Lammerhuber: Stones Between The Fronts

The augmented reality exhibition in courtyard 7 of the MQ deals in an artistic way with the places of remembrance of the anti-fascist resistance in the former Yugoslavia.

bis 30.11.
Hof 7

The virtual exhibition takes place in Courtyard 7 of the MQ and can be visited via smartphones and tablets.
During Josip Broz Tito's reign (1953-1980), more than 200 "spomeniks" (monuments) were created to commemorate the resistance of the partisans against the occupying forces and the crimes of World War II. Many of the "stone witnesses", which at the time stood for the togetherness of all inhabitants of Yugoslavia, today show political and social disunity. They involuntarily help tell the complex story of ethnically, nationally and religiously motivated conflicts that continue long after the end of the Yugoslav wars (1991-2001).

In June 2022, Melanie Hollaus & Christoph Lammerhuber witnessed the politically motivated destruction of Bogdan Bogdanović's partisan necropolis in Mostar (Bosnia and Herzegovina) during their research on anti-fascist monuments. Since the architectural legacy of Bogdanović, who was in exile in Vienna, is in the collection of the Architekturzentrum Wien, the idea arose to bring the monuments to this location.
In the form of multi-channel video installations, photographs, sound collages and three-dimensional digital models, the surreal, giant monuments are brought to life in their uniqueness and with all their ambivalent attributions. Today, the "Spomeniks" - like many other historical monuments - raise questions about memory culture as well as contradictory historiography.

In the Az W's display collection, architectural designs and sketches by Bogdanović can be viewed parallel to the digital exhibition.

A project by Melanie Hollaus and Christoph Lammerhuber, in cooperation with MuseumsQuartier and Architekturzentrum Wien, based on an idea by Melanie Hollaus and Elena Messner.
Videos: Melanie Hollaus, Christoph Lammerhuber
Speakers: Tamara Mijatović, Sanjin Sović
Translations of short films: Oliver Steininger, Tamara Mijatović, Sanjin Sović
Music/ sound design: Daniel Riegler
3D objects: Mitrovica - Sebastian Konzett, Podgarić - chronoclast, editing Sebastian Konzett
Exhibition design: pool Architektur ZT GmbH
Programming: SystemKollektiv - Litto/ Daniela Weiss, Jascha Ehrenreich
Photographs and 360° recording: Günter Richard Wett

Video: Short documentary on Steine zwischen den Fronten © Melanie Hollaus & Christoph Lammerhuber

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