Saskia Warzecha
Saskia Warzecha area: Literature Key Facts nationality Germany area Literature residence Berlin recommending institution Literaturpassage time period May 2021 - May 2021 Saskia Warzecha was born in 1987 [...] Zeitschrift für zeitgenössische Lyrik« twice a year. - facebook - twitter Project info During the residency at Q21 I want to continue on a lyric work, in which space theory and culture of remembrance are
Lenka Vítková - MuseumsQuartier Wien
Artist-in-Residence Lenka Vítková Artist-in-Residence Lenka Vítková talks in an interview with Lucas Cuturi about her work as a visual artist and curator. read more Documentation The residency with all [...] Vítková © Lenka Vítková Key Facts nationality Czech Republic area Visual Art, Literature, Painting residence Prague recommending institution Stiftung time period November 2020 - December [...] start to edit and to rewrite the whole stuff. This is I guess the most beneficial outcome of my residency in MQ. Plus there is also the simple but important fact we realised that we could live in different
Anja Golob - MuseumsQuartier Wien
Anja Golob area: Literature Key Facts nationality Slovenia area Literature residence Prevalje recommending institution BMEIA time period September 2020 - September 2020 Anja Golob (1976) has so far published [...] things spontanously, for which I need time and space, so I can devote myself completely to work. The residency offers this exactly. I also do hope, that being there will actually help with the re-writing since [...] mayor part of my novels take place in Vienna. It is extremely important to me and my work. Also the residency gives me the chance to perform in Vienna again. I did this several times so far (Alte Schmiede in
Luiz Felipe Lucas - MuseumsQuartier Wien
experienced in the residence, urban interventions with structures offered at the residence and the issue that permeates the performance. VIENNA ART WEEK: Interview with Artist-in-Residence Luiz Felipe Lucas [...] Uzona/Coletico Legítima Defesa) and has participated in 18 plays. Former residencies include Sesc Pompéia/Video Brasil/Konvent Residencies. @luizfelipelucas - facebook - twitter Project info [...] Lucas © Luiz Felipe Lucas © Luiz Felipe Lucas Key Facts nationality Brazil area Performance Art residence Barcelona (ESP) recommending institution frei_raum Q21 exhibition space time period September 2020
Magda Typiak - MuseumsQuartier Wien
Magda Typiak © Magda Typiak © Magda Typiak Key Facts nationality Poland area Photography, Video residence Florence (ITA) recommending institution BMEIA time period November 2019 - December 2019 Instagram [...] also like to intervene in the city space with the technique of land art that will involve local residents to make together the message about the liberty. The project for this initiative is ready I am now
Klára Petra Szabó - MuseumsQuartier Wien
Interview with Artist-in-Residence Klára Petra Szabó Klára Petra Szabó was invited by the Austrian Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs as Q21 Artist-in-Residence at MuseumsQuartier Wien [...] Petra Szabó © Klára Petra Szabó © Klára Petra Szabó Key Facts nationality Hungary area Visual Art residence Hódmezővásárhely recommending institution BMEIA time period November 2020 - December 2020 EDUCATION: [...] MA designer, Sopron Hungary (2004-2009) - Folk Academy of Helnaes, Denmark (Scholarship, 2008) RESIDENCIES: 2019- Gachang Art Studio / Daegu / South Korea 2018- Art Inside Out AIR / Sweden 2017- TEMI AIR
Christian Heller - MuseumsQuartier Wien
guilt politics to go with it. VIENNA ART WEEK: Interview with Artist-in-Residence Christian Heller aka plomlompom Q21 Artist-in-Residence Christian Heller in conversation with Lucas Cuturi read more [...] Heller area: Theory, Digital Culture Key Facts nationality Germany area Theory, Digital Culture residence Berlin recommending institution monochrom time period November 2020 - November 2020 Christian Heller [...] In 2018, at the Berlin puppet theatre Schaubude, he mentored the internet meme culture research residency "Pepe, der Frosch" of the German media art/theatre groups virtuellestheater and Spieleberatung [10]
Omsk Social Club - MuseumsQuartier Wien
Berlin 2019, Image Credit: Mark Hunt aka player Jack Key Facts area Installation Art, Role Playing residence Berlin recommending institution frei_raum Q21 exhibition space time period November 2020 - November
Vera van de Seyp - MuseumsQuartier Wien
of visual identity ©Vera van de Seyp Key Facts nationality Netherlands area Design, Digital Art residence Amsterdam recommending institution frei_raum Q21 exhibition space time period October 2020 - October
Matthieu Saladin - MuseumsQuartier Wien
par ailleurs, 2019. Photo: Emile Ouroumov, 2019. Key Facts nationality France area Conceptual Art residence Paris recommending institution TONSPUR Kunstverein Wien / ERSTE Stiftung time period October 2020 [...] Principale , Paris. - facebook - twitter Project info The project of this residency will consist of continuing and finalizing the work Economic Score - Der Canaletto-Blick , begun [...] way, in the history of Western rationality: the economic table and musical notation. During this residency, I will be working on the recording of the silent part of the score and on an artist's book dealing