ImPulsTanz 2010: P.A.R.T.S. (BE) RE:Drumming - MuseumsQuartier Wien
02.08.2010 to 05.08.2010 ImPulsTanz 2010: P.A.R.T.S. (BE) RE:Drumming DANCE/PERFORMANCE/MUSIC Previous dates thu, 05.08.2010 - 22.00 h wed, 04.08.2010 tue, 03.08.2010 mo, 02.08.2010 20.00 h - 23.59 h All [...] the Silver Lion, present a new version of the Rosas-classic „Drumming\" which premiered in 1998 at ImPulsTanz. „Drumming\" is one of the central works of minimalist music, the thrilling repetitive rhythm
Modedesign Workshops für Kinder und Jugendliche - MuseumsQuartier Wien
ModefotografInnen im MQ Fürstenhof. Beide Modeworkshops sind Teil der Ausstellung „ Fish and Chips, Twice Please ", die noch bis 12. September innovatives Modedesign aus Großbritannien im freiraum quartier21 [...] quartier21 INTERNATIONAL bei freiem Eintritt im MuseumsQuartier Wien präsentiert. Information und Anmeldung: Mag. Elisabeth Hajek Tel.: [+43] (0)1 / 523 58 81 - 1717 (Mo-Fr 9-17h) E-Mail: ehajek @ mqw . at www [...] drucken, sticken, stricken, nähen und applizieren - alle erdenklichen kreativen Techniken sind erlaubt. Im Anschluss werden die JungdesignerInnen in ihren aufgepeppten Kreationen von Möbel- und Produktdesigner
Café Leopold Programm Juli - MuseumsQuartier Wien
SA 03.07 Selector Loopus (bassruner sound) / WEEKEND SOUNDS im MQ-Haupthof: Felix Fuchs (red bull music academy) » SO 04.07 WEEKEND SOUNDS im MQ-Haupthof: Nitram Tamtin DO 08.07 DJ Fars (spinning derwisch) [...] Caruso (blend media group/NYC) + Lazy Mason (TLM) / WEEKEND SOUNDS im MQ-Haupthof: Cpt. Jogin (subotron) » SO 11.07 WEEKEND SOUNDS im MQ-Haupthof: DJ Soumez (alien entertainment) FR 16.07 Benefiz-Nacht [...] Friends » SA 17.07 Freestyle Furioso DJ-Team / WEEKEND SOUNDS im MQ-Haupthof: Muzikfranz (freestyle furioso) » SO 18.07 WEEKEND SOUNDS im MQ-Haupthof: Karuan (sunshine) DO 22.07 DJ Titan (ambassador of
ImPulsTanz 2010: With Subtitles - MuseumsQuartier Wien
21.07.2010 to 28.07.2010 ImPulsTanz 2010: With Subtitles Previous dates wed, 28.07.2010 - 23.00 h tue, 27.07.2010 mo, 26.07.2010 sun, 25.07.2010 All dates • Days with event July 2010 01 thu 02 fri 03 sat
ImPulsTanz 2010: On Ice - MuseumsQuartier Wien
smells of testosteroine, cold beer and pop corn. I\'m running on a feeling of strangeness. I\'m here, now, but placed outside of myself, alone amongst others. I\'m an object to look at. The audience hurrays [...] hurrays when the players skate on the ice. I\'m a black cobra. I\'m inside a wrong skin.\" Maija Hirvanen \r\n Duration: 50 minutes Single Ticket: € 15,- (red. 12,-) | Evening Ticket: € 25,- (red. 21,-) www. [...] 18.07.2010 to 28.07.2010 ImPulsTanz 2010: On Ice DANCE/PERFORMANCE/MUSIC Previous dates wed, 28.07.2010 - 23.00 h tue, 27.07.2010 mo, 26.07.2010 sun, 25.07.2010 All dates • Days with event July 2010 01
ImPulsTanz 2010: Is You Me - MuseumsQuartier Wien
23.07.2010 to 25.07.2010 ImPulsTanz 2010: Is You Me DANCE/PERFORMANCE/MUSIC Previous dates sun, 25.07.2010 - 23.00 h sat, 24.07.2010 fri, 23.07.2010 21.00 h - 23.59 h All dates • Days with event July 2010
Right Here, Right Now... - MuseumsQuartier Wien
stellen. Hier einige Tipps: The Human Rights Project im MQ, das Youth Reception Fest im WUK, die Ausstellung Stop Aids - Gib Kindern eine Chance! im Dschungel Wien oder die Global Village Sessions. Highlight
ImPulsTanz 2010: We must eat our suckers with the wrappers on... - MuseumsQuartier Wien
20.07.2010 to 22.07.2010 ImPulsTanz 2010: We must eat our suckers with the wrappers on... DANCE/PERFORMANCE/MUSIC Previous dates thu, 22.07.2010 - 22.00 h wed, 21.07.2010 tue, 20.07.2010 21.00 h - 23.59
ImPulsTanz 2010: Still Standing You - MuseumsQuartier Wien
18.07.2010 to 21.07.2010 ImPulsTanz 2010: Still Standing You DANCE/PERFORMANCE/MUSIC Previous dates wed, 21.07.2010 - 23.00 h tue, 20.07.2010 mo, 19.07.2010 sun, 18.07.2010 21.00 h - 23.59 h All dates [...] Tender Collaborations collective. In 2007 they created “Still Difficult Duet”, which was presented at ImPulsTanz 2009. Duration: 60 minutes Single Ticket: € 15,- (red. 12,-) | Evening Ticket: € 25,- (red
Opening of ImPulsTanz - Vienna International Dance Festival - MuseumsQuartier Wien
performance with Ultima Vez For years an audience favorite at ImPulsTanz, Belgian Wim Vandekeybus and his company Ultima Vez will open this year\'s ImPulsTanz festival with an open air dance performance. The [...] 15.07.2010 to 15.07.2010 Opening of ImPulsTanz - Vienna International Dance Festival DANCE/PERFORMANCE/MUSIC, LEISURE & OUTDOOR Date thu, 15.07.2010 21.15 h - 22.00 h All dates • Days with event July 2010 [...] 19 mo 20 tue 21 wed 22 thu 23 fri 24 sat 25 sun 26 mo 27 tue 28 wed 29 thu 30 fri 31 sat Opening of ImPulsTanz - Vienna International Dance Festival \r\n Date: Thu, Jul 15, 21:15 Venue: Main MQ Courtyard