Julischka Stengele "Von der Hand in den Mund"
to 24.02.2024 - Tanzquartier Wien Julischka Stengele "Von der Hand in den Mund" DANCE/PERFORMANCE/MUSIC buy ticket Sat 23. & Sun 24.02., 19.30h According to a German saying, eating brings people together
Gisèle Vienne "EXTRA LIFE"
01.03.2024 to 02.03.2024 - Tanzquartier Wien Gisèle Vienne "EXTRA LIFE" DANCE/PERFORMANCE/MUSIC buy ticket Fr 01. & Sa 02.03., 19.30h This production has been invited to the 2024 Theatertreffen festival [...] premonition. The sensuous yet oppressive dramaturgy of this heterogeneous collage is underscored by the music of synthesizer composer Caterina Barbieri, sound design by Adrien Michel and the immersive laser-light
Camilla Schielin "into (quickening ground)"
2024 to 13.03.2024 - Tanzquartier Wien Camilla Schielin "into (quickening ground)" DANCE/PERFORMANCE/MUSIC buy ticket Show dates Date wed, 13.03.2024 19.30 h All dates • Days with event You have selected the
Soa Ratsifandrihana / ama brussels (FR/BE/MG): g r o o v e
07.2024 - Halle E+G Soa Ratsifandrihana / ama brussels (FR/BE/MG): g r o o v e DANCE/PERFORMANCE/MUSIC buy ticket ImPulsTanz 2024 Mo 15. & Mi 17.07., 19.30h, Austrian Premiere It was only at last year’s [...] showing off both her technical precision and electrifying presence in "Fase, Four Movements to the Music of Steve Reich". This year, her solo introduces us to her talent as a choreographer: "g r o o v e"
Tschandala - The Romani Version
makes visible a blind spot in Swedish history that reverberates into our present. A musical manifestation, tense Roma music without a safety net, an intervention to protect an endangered minority, the travelling [...] 07.11.2023 - Dschungel Wien Tschandala - The Romani Version CHILDREN & FAMILY, DANCE/PERFORMANCE/MUSIC buy ticket Lindy Larsson, backed by the acclaimed Bon Bon Band, gives a personal theatre concert in
Wir Kinder der kleinen Mehrheit
06.11.2023 - Dschungel Wien Wir Kinder der kleinen Mehrheit CHILDREN & FAMILY, DANCE/PERFORMANCE/MUSIC buy ticket Emotional, humorous, critical of racism and empowering. The three friends Gianni Jovanović
Rom*nja City
04.11.2023 to 05.11.2023 - Dschungel Wien Rom*nja City CHILDREN & FAMILY, DANCE/PERFORMANCE/MUSIC In the 1940s, Nazi doctors conducted experiments on Rita Prigmore and her twin sister Rolanda to develop
Lemniskate. Unendliche Hoffnung - Lecture Performance
Dschungel Wien Lemniskate. Unendliche Hoffnung - Lecture Performance CHILDREN & FAMILY, DANCE/PERFORMANCE/MUSIC buy ticket It is not easy not to lose hope in the ongoing struggle. In the performance "Lemniskate"
Land ohne Land - Play
11.2023 to 03.11.2023 - Dschungel Wien Land ohne Land - Play CHILDREN & FAMILY, DANCE/PERFORMANCE/MUSIC buy ticket When the borders are closed because of the pandemic, Bobi and Kosa are stuck in a small
puppet theatre: Leon, der Profi (Gastspiel)
- Dschungel Wien puppet theatre: Leon, der Profi (Gastspiel) CHILDREN & FAMILY, DANCE/PERFORMANCE/MUSIC buy ticket The life of the lonely professional killer "Cleaners" Leon is turned upside down when the