“Stopover” Exhibition at the MuseumsQuartier Wien - MuseumsQuartier Wien
Office: Irene Preißler Tel: [+43] (0)1 / 523 58 81 - 1712 Email: ipreissler@mqw.at Artistic Director, frei_raum Q21 exhibition space: Elisabeth Hajek Tel: [+43] (0)1 / 523 58 81 - 1717 Email: ehajek@mqw
Exhibition “WELT KOMPAKT?” at the MuseumsQuartier Wien - MuseumsQuartier Wien
Mag. Irene Preißler Tel. [+43] (0)1 / 523 58 81 - 1712 Email: ipreissler@mqw.at Artistic Director, frei_raum Q21 exhibition space: Mag. Elisabeth Hajek Tel.: [+43] (0)1 / 523 58 81 - 1717 Email: ehajek@mqw [...] are interwoven. Ines Doujak has been assembling her project “Loomshuttles/Warpaths, Eccentric Archive 1-48” since 2010 through a critique of ethnographic image collections, which shape our perceptions of
News - MuseumsQuartier Wien
allowance of 1.050 €. From September 1, 2021, this scholarship program will now also be dedicated to a group of the most important cultural mediators, namely translators. For the period from September 1, 2021 [...] meeting possibilities are offered to the participants. Each residency grants a monthly stipend of EUR 1.050,-. Together with its cooperation partners from tranzit.at, tranzit.cz, tranzit.hu, tranzit.ro, tranzit [...] to take part in the open call. Open Call: Applications have to include the following two documents: 1.) Complete digital application form , including the following information: • Your contact information
Who’s behind the MQ facade? - MuseumsQuartier Wien
constantly bite off more than I can chew and then I find myself chewing quite quickly. How long is 1m? About one large step, so I took 100 steps in one go. People in Vienna can see Schiele or „schielesque“
Elena Cologni – Lived Dialectics: Movement and Rest - MuseumsQuartier Wien
eventually enter into the patterns…. I am developing a piece called Lived Dialectics: Movement and Rest (1 &2) , taking in consideration the things I mentioned above and the inside and outside areas of MQ. While
Imprint & GTC - MuseumsQuartier Wien
314/1981 as last amended): MuseumsQuartier Errichtungs- und BetriebsgesmbH Museumsplatz 1 A-1070 Vienna Phone: +43/1/523 58 81 Email: office@mqw.at www.mqw.at Commercial Register No.: 40592w Commercial Register [...] Chamber of Commerce: Wirtschaftskammer Conception and implementation : DigitalWerk GmbH Getreidemarkt 1, 1st floor, Top 10, 1060 Vienna office @ digitalwerk . agency www.digitalwerk.agency General Terms and
Contact - MuseumsQuartier Wien
office @ mqw . at Tel.: +43 1 523 58 81 -1720 Laura Aigner Front desk office @ mqw . at Tel.: +43 1 523 58 81 -1720 Fangni Salazar Front desk office @ mqw . at Tel.: +43 1 523 58 81 -1720 Mag. Bettina [...] +43 1 523 58 81 -1722 Eva König, BA, MA Assistant to director eva.koenig @ mqw . at Tel.: +43 1 523 5881 – 1733 Julia Schützenhofer Head of Administration julia.schuetzenhofer @ mqw . at Tel.: +43 1 523 [...] mqw . at Tel.: +43 1 523 58 81 -1720 Fangni Salazar Front desk office @ mqw . at Tel.: +43 1 523 58 81 -1720 Mag Beatrix Strobl Administration beatrix.strobl @ mqw . at Tel.: +43 1 523 58 81 -1726 Monika
MQ Journal - MuseumsQuartier Wien
maternity, vulnerability and creativity An interview with MQ Artist-in-Residence Noémie Marsily. 23.02.2024 1 2 3 ... 20
Who is Gita Blak? - MuseumsQuartier Wien
Blakšić - Resistance of the Earth On your vimeo Channel I came across the video “Still dreaming (Song 1) from ‘The Resistance of the Earth Project’“. What is this project about? “Resistance of the Earth”
Josh Harle: Warrior or Pornographer? - MuseumsQuartier Wien
Interview Josh Harle: Warrior or Pornographer? 25.03.2016 Share Share - Facebook Share - Twitter Josh Harle is the current Artist-in-Residence of Q21 recommended by the Research Institute for Arts and