lecture by DOROTA WALENTYNOWICZ - MuseumsQuartier Wien
with TONSPUR_expanded supported by Polish Ministry of Culture and National Heritage *Artists-in-Residence at quartier21/MQ Share Share - facebook
TONSPUR 36: Dawn Scarfe (GBR) - Do you hear what I hear? - MuseumsQuartier Wien
listening also requires one to hear in ‘sympathy\': to have some affinity with the heard.\r\n Artist-in-Residence Dawn Scarfe (c) Dawn Scarfe \r\n Share Share - facebook
Digitaler Montag: Open House - MuseumsQuartier Wien
(GBR) 17.30h TONSPUR_passage , Durchgang zwischen den MQ Höfen 7 und 8 Die ehemalige Artist-in-Residence des quartier21 hat für die TONSPUR_passage die Klangarbeit "Do you hear what I hear" entwickelt
28 sun 29 mo 30 tue KRÕÕT JUURAK (EST/A) / MÅRTEN SPÅNGBERG (S) Ride the Wave Dude - research, residency and preparation Date: Nov 2-6 Venue: Tanzquartier Ride The Wave Dude - performance Date: Nov 5 and
Gastdesignerin im Oktober: Anouk Wipprecht (NED) - MuseumsQuartier Wien
Anouk Wipprecht (NED) Dauer: 01.10. bis 04.11., Di-Sa 12-19h Ort: Combinat, MQ Hof 7 Artist-in-Residence des quartier21 Anouk Wipprecht , eine aufstrebende Jungdesignerin aus den Niederlanden, hat sich
SPAGHETTI GANGBANG - For sale only - MuseumsQuartier Wien
30 sat 31 sun SPAGHETTI GANGBANG - For sale only Date: Sat, Oct 16, 11:00-18:00 Venue: Artist-in-Residence Studio 501, MQ Court 7 (Entrance: next Combinat) \r\n Unique pieces from the fashion label SPAGHETTI
ARTIFICIAL HORIZON / MILLI BITTERLI (A) / FRANS POELSTRA (NL/A): A donut has a hole - MuseumsQuartier Wien
their preconceived ideas of what is (im)possible on stage. \r\n\r\n Note: owing to the long unclear residency situation of the New Zealand dancer Anna MacRae during the rehearsal process, the performance of [...] COPRODUCTION OF: Tanzquartier Wien and artificial horizon | SUPPORTED BY the city of Vienna. - RESIDENCES at d.i.d. Pinkafeld and Tanzhaus Zürich. © Simon Kürmayr Share Share - facebook
Brad Downey (USA) - MuseumsQuartier Wien
the corners of the Street Art world. In the spring of 2010, artist Brad Downey was a guest of the residency program of quartier21. Sydney Ogidan, curator of the Vienna Street Art Festival, made his acquaintance
Artist-in-Residence Jaro Varga (SVK): Tourist Routes - MuseumsQuartier Wien
28 tue 29 wed 30 thu Artist-in-Residence Jaro Varga (SVK): Tourist Routes Datum: Di 21.09., 19h Ort: Raum D / quartier21, Electric Avenue Der slowakische Artist-in-Residence Jaro Varga präsentiert eine [...] 21.09.2010 to 21.09.2010 Artist-in-Residence Jaro Varga (SVK): Tourist Routes ART Date tue, 21.09.2010 19.00 h - 21.00 h All dates • Days with event September 2010 01 wed 02 thu 03 fri 04 sat 05 sun 06 [...] ihren Lieblingsplätzen begleitet hat. "As a starting point of my art research at quartier21 art residency is an observation of processes of the creative destructions within the city as a simultaneous product
SUBOTRON electric MEETING : Going Forward in the Backward Direction - MuseumsQuartier Wien
projects strive to answer the question "how can we reuse fun?". Ein Vortrag des ehemaligen Artist-in-Residence des quartier21 Kyle Machulis (Berkeley, CA/USA) SUBOTRON electric MEETING : Veranstaltungsreihe