Jelena Miskovic - MuseumsQuartier Wien
recommending institution freiraum quartier21 INTERNATIONAL time period July 2012 - July 2012 EDUCATION: 1. GERRIT RIETVELD ACADEMY AMSTERDAM 2009 /DIPLOMA/ 2. HIGH SCHOOL FOR ART & DESIGN , BELGRADE 1992-1995 [...] Ljubinka Popovic, Kosara Boksan, Marina Abramovic, etc/ 2011. Le Singullier Gallery , Paris, April 9 - May 1 2011 2011. FEMLINK, international video screening:new video : TRANS FORMER, 2010-2011 2011. NFTA – choaching
Lars Paschke - MuseumsQuartier Wien
Head of shirt department 2005 Stephan Schneider Antwerp 4 months internship 2004 Andrea Döring Berlin 1 month internship 2004 BRD Berlin 8 months internship backstage assistance and dresser for following [...] MoMu gallery, Antwerp 2008 selected for Pony Attack, fashion show IFF, Ghent, Belgium 2007 Skirt, 1st year Bachelor assignment MoMu Gallery, Antwerp Awards 2008 IFF perfume competition, finalist 2007 [...] Belgium 2010 Show Off #3 2008 Elle Belgie 2008 Dazed and Confused, volume 2, issue 68 2008 show off #1 2007 Textilwirtschaft Selected Online Publications 2010 2010
Narelle Dore - MuseumsQuartier Wien
collection The Sketchy Secrets of the Magic Gardener. RA Exhibition SS11 RA Showroom. Paris, France. 1–6 October 2010. Group showroom, exposing the collection The Sketchy Secrets of the Magic Gardener. RA [...] Share - facebook Dazed Digital Rise . August 2010 Talents August 2010
Florin Lazarescu - MuseumsQuartier Wien
festival). He writes scripts for the Animated Planet Show, a cartoon satirical serial broadcast by Antena 1, Romania’s second largest television channel. Share Share - facebook Blog: http://florinlazarescu.wordpress [...] info:
Delia Hess - MuseumsQuartier Wien
(Ich+Du=Wir, Goofy&Regular) Luzern Filmography: Les fourmis, Zeichentrick, 53“ Na cidade, Zeichentrick, 1‘56“ Share Share - facebook
Tomáš Dvořák - MuseumsQuartier Wien
Acquired His Postmodern Aura]. Sociologický èasopis – Czech Sociological Review, Vol. 40, 2004, No. 1/2, pp. 141-155. • Rozptýlení jako pøedpoklad soustøedìní: poznámky k pojetí recepce u Waltera Benjamina [...] Culture. • Fotograf – The Recycled Image, Vol. 3, 2005, No. 6. • Fotograf – Collective Authorship, Vol. 1, 2003, No. 2. • 2002 founding member of editorial board; member till 2003 Share Share - facebook http://stss
Constant Dullaart - MuseumsQuartier Wien
an issue that Rosalind Krauss connected to the readymade in her 1976 essay ‘Notes on the Index, Part 1.’ Krauss defines indices as ‘the traces of a particular cause, and that cause is the thing to which
Brad Downey - MuseumsQuartier Wien
Konsthall, Örebro, Sweden Gestures, Museum of Contemporary Art Roskilde, Denmark 2009 Backjumps volume 4 #1, Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien, Berlin, Germany Urban Art, Museum for Moderne Kunst, Weserburg, Germany [...] Santa's Ghetto, Laz, Inc., London, England 2003 The Beauty is the Act, Urban art info, Backumps volume 1, Berlin, Germany Public Projects (Commissioned)/ Öffentlichkeit Projekt (Auftrag): 2012 Portrait of
Beatrix Szörényi - MuseumsQuartier Wien
Artist-in-residency at Stanica, Zilina (SK), Visegrad fund grant 2001 OTDK Art Students Circle, Budapest, 1. prize (category: art) EXHIBITIONS 2009 Telling something only once , (with Anikó Loránt, Judit Fischer) [...] Budapest The congress of the futurologists , ICA Dunaújváros What's up! Műcsarnok, Budapest Dog school - 1 nap of 50 days exhibition series (solo), Studió Gallery, Budapest Határok nélkül , Limes Galery, Révkomárom [...] Berlin (D) Kedves Ines... Liebe Beatrix , (with Ines Doleschal) Delta35 Galária, Berlin (D) Múzsák – 9+1 photo- and video artist, Körzőgyár Gallery, Budapest Dear painter, paint me... with heart and mind,
Nobuhiro Ishihara - MuseumsQuartier Wien
Tokyo Wonder Site (Tokyo) 2004 " Artist night vol.2 " Tokyo Wonder Site (Tokyo) 2003 " Artist night vol.1 " Tokyo Wonder Site (Tokyo) 2002 " Myth for tomorrow " Tokyo Wonder Site (Tokyo) 2002 " The garden