MQ Map - MuseumsQuartier Wien
84400 kinderinfowien @ wienxtra . at detail page ZOOM Kindermuseum ZOOM Kindermuseum opening hours & price The ZOOM Kindermuseum, Austria’s leading museum for children, offers year-round [...] comprehensive program of science education. mo: closed tue-fri: 13:15–16:15 sat-sun: 9:15 –16:15 Verein ZOOM Kindermuseum MuseumsQuartier/Hof 2, Museumsplatz 1, A-1070 Wien Tel.: +43-1-524 79 08 office @ ki [...] rum Wien Dschungel Wien Halle E+G Kunsthalle Wien mumok Q21 Tanzquartier Wien WIENXTRA-Kinderinfo ZOOM Kindermuseum Leopold Museum musiktank musiktank opening hours & price Austria's first on-demand music
Lea Vidakovic - MuseumsQuartier Wien
Watch Out Film Festival – Tetovo, Macedonia -honorary award Sisters, International film festival ZOOM ZBLIZENIA, Jelenia Gora, Poland -best sound decision Sisters, Unprecedented cinema, Nevidanoe kino [...] animation festival ANIMATOR, Poznan, Poland -special prize -Crossed sild- 14. International Film Festival 'Zoom Zblizenia', Poland -nomination for the best camera and best sound -Crossed sild- 'Dani Hrvatskog filma' [...] Medusa film days – Subotica, Serbia 2012. december – Filofest, Ljubljana, Slovenia 2013. february – ZOOM ZBLIZENIA, Jelenia Gora, Poland – special mention 2013. february – Animac, mostra internacional de
Małgorzata Goliszewska - MuseumsQuartier Wien
Łaźnia, Gdańsk, PL – GRAND PRIX III Video Art Festival “Points of View”, ms2, Łódź, PL - II Prize IFF ZOOM, Jelenia Gora, PL – I Prize XVII Comedy Film Festival in Lubomierz, PL – Honourable Mention 2012
Young-Sup Kim - MuseumsQuartier Wien
AUSTAUSCH, Fruchthalle, Kaiserslautern, Germany Six imaginary spaces, HBK Saar, Saarbruecken, Germany 2005 ZOOM 2005, T-Systems, Saarbruecken, Germany Situation, HBK Saar, Saarbruecken, Germany ZWEI TAGE UND EINE
frei_raum Q21 exhibition space: "No Dancing Allowed"
dangerous, the collective need for dance resulted in various actions worldwide. From widespread dancing on Zoom and VR platforms to 'Unmute Us' protests in the Netherlands in support of club culture and against
Q21 Artists-in-Residence Lee Ranaldo & Leah Singer
a few things during the pandemic, one was a curatorial exhibition in Texas that we completed over zoom, and we also did a live stream performance. We were kept busy, but disappointments were normal. LR:
TRICKY WOMEN / TRICKY REALITIES - International Animation Film Festival - MuseumsQuartier Wien
Painting and Animation Workshop with Yu Jin (China) Fri, Mar 15 & Sun, Mar 16 in cooperation with ZOOM children's museum Infos: office @ trickywomen . at Read more Feature TONSPUR Kunstverein Wien: Sound
Archive - MuseumsQuartier Wien
Wien Leopold Museum MQ Art Box MQ Cultural Tenants MQ Libelle Tanzquartier Wien WIENXTRA-Kinderinfo ZOOM Kindermuseum mumok select location select location all Architekturzentrum Wien Dschungel Wien Halle [...] Leopold Museum MQ Art Box MQ Cultural Tenants MQ Libelle mumok Tanzquartier Wien WIENXTRA-Kinderinfo ZOOM Kindermuseum Aloha Café & Bistro at mumok: Food'Amour Café Leopold Café-Restaurant Kaan Café.Restaurant
Tickets - MuseumsQuartier Wien
Kunsthalle Wien, Leopold Museum, mumok and MQ Freiraum. + free admission to designforum Wien + discount at ZOOM Kindermuseum + discount for performances at Tanzquartier Wien / Halle G and Studios *Reduced prices
MQ Point - MuseumsQuartier Wien
Kunsthalle Wien, Leopold Museum, mumok and MQ Freiraum. + free admission to designforum Wien + discount at ZOOM Kindermuseum + discount for performances at Tanzquartier Wien / Halle G and Studios *Reduced prices