Bissy Bunder: Live Performance and Film Screening - MuseumsQuartier Wien
the following day, June 23 at 20:00 at Raum D / quartier21. Bissy Bunder are currently Artists-in-Residence of quartier21. Part of \"GET IN THE HAZE\" Share Share - facebook
Reconstructing Wittgenstein - MuseumsQuartier Wien
August Sarnitz, architecture historian, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Silja Tillner, architect, resident of Haus Gerrit Rietveld, Vienna Ludwig Wittgenstein will have died 60 years ago on 29 April 2011
Wiener Beschwerdechor - MuseumsQuartier Wien
MQ on the invitation of Kunsthalle Wien, the choir, which now consists of more than 60 Viennese residents, will stage the mega performance Intervention XVII: 10 Jahre MQ. Musical guests will include the
Frederik Heyman: RAPID CREEK - MuseumsQuartier Wien
can vary immensely, resulting in a totally different mix each time. Frederik Heyman is Artist-in-Residence of quartier21. \r\n \r\n RECOLLECTION QUARTETT. Mercedes-Benz Young Classics
MEMBRA DISJECTA FOR JOHN CAGE. Wanting to Say Something About John - MuseumsQuartier Wien
Some of them will be living and working in Vienna in the coming months as quartier21/MQ Artists-in-Residence. The exhibition is being organized as part of the quartier21/MQ series "freiraum quartier21 INT
Artist-in-Residence Max Hattler (GER) and Noriko Okaku (JAP): Transform - MuseumsQuartier Wien
05.05.2011 to 02.06.2011 Artist-in-Residence Max Hattler (GER) and Noriko Okaku (JAP): Transform ART, FILM & DIGITAL CULTURE Previous dates thu, 02.06.2011 - 22.00 h wed, 01.06.2011 tue, 31.05.2011 mo [...] with the moving image. In \"Transform\", an exhibition at Asifakeil coinciding with their Artist Residency at MuseumsQuartier, Hattler and Okaku present new works which engage the transformative qualities
Writer-in-Residence Ostap Slyvynsky (UKR): Finger einer Hand - MuseumsQuartier Wien
17.05.2011 to 17.05.2011 Writer-in-Residence Ostap Slyvynsky (UKR): Finger einer Hand ART Date tue, 17.05.2011 19.30 h - 21.00 h All dates • Days with event May 2011 01 sun 02 mo 03 tue 04 wed 05 thu 06 [...] thu 20 fri 21 sat 22 sun 23 mo 24 tue 25 wed 26 thu 27 fri 28 sat 29 sun 30 mo 31 tue Writer-in-Residence Ostap Slyvynsky (UKR): Finger einer Hand Datum: Di 17.05., 19.30h Ort: Raum D / quartier21, Electric [...] (GER), Institut für Slawistik, Universität Wien Ostap Slyvynsky ist im April/Mai 2011 als Writer-in-Residence im quartier21/MQ zu Gast. Der 1978 in Lemberg / Lviv in der Ukraine geborene Autor und Übersetzer
PlayFace InterCult - MuseumsQuartier Wien
exhibition 14:00-17:00 amberPlatform Istanbul. Presentation of works from amberFestival, Artists-in-Residence of quartier21. 16:00-19:00 \"Thumb fu\" Workshop. Creating Hand-puppets with sensors and sound for
Europa im MQ: Program for Upper Secondary School Students - MuseumsQuartier Wien
amberPlatform Istanbul (14:00-17:00) Presentation of works from amberFestival and quartier21 artists-in-residence. Thumb Fu Workshop (16:00-19:00) Createing hand -puppets with sensors and sound for kKung -Ffu
Aneta Stojnic (SRB) / Bahar Temiz (TR) / Violeta Vitanova (BG) - Performance evening of the Artists-in-Residence - MuseumsQuartier Wien
Stojnic (SRB) / Bahar Temiz (TR) / Violeta Vitanova (BG) - Performance evening of the Artists-in-Residence DANCE/PERFORMANCE/MUSIC Date wed, 27.04.2011 19.00 h - 23.00 h All dates • Days with event April [...] Stojnic (SRB) / Bahar Temiz (TR) / Violeta Vitanova (BG) Performance evening of the Artists-in-Residence at Tanzquartier Wien Date: Wed, Apr 27, 19:00 Venue: TQW / Studios The three choreografers and [...] performers Aneta Stojnic, Bahar Temiz and Violeta Vitanova will close their two-month-residency at Tanzquartier Wien - in cooperation with KulturKontakt Austria - by showing their current works. In her