Lab Club: What happens when no one is around? - MuseumsQuartier Wien
facebook ZOOM Kindermuseum ZOOM Kindermuseum program in July opening hours mo: Closed tue-fri: 08.30-16h sat-sun: 09.45h-17.15h (also on public holidays and during school holidays) contact Verein ZOOM Kindermuseum [...] 10.03.2018 to 02.09.2018 - ZOOM Kindermuseum Lab Club: What happens when no one is around? CHILDREN & FAMILY Does your room have a secret life of its own when you are not at home? Do your socks race to
ZOOM Ocean - MuseumsQuartier Wien
2022 to 04.09.2022 - ZOOM Kindermuseum ZOOM Ocean CHILDREN & FAMILY A colorful and diverse realm for play and adventure We take play seriously at ZOOM Children’s Museum. That is why ZOOM offers a special place [...] enjoyable opportunity to observe, compare and measure. Director ZOOM Ocean: Franziska Abgottspon Share Share - facebook ZOOM Kindermuseum ZOOM Kindermuseum program in July opening hours mo: Closed tue-fri: [...] 30-16h sat-sun: 09.45h-17.15h (also on public holidays and during school holidays) contact Verein ZOOM Kindermuseum MuseumsQuartier/Hof 2, Museumsplatz 1, A-1070 Wien Tel.: +43-1-524 79 08 office @ ki
ZOOM Animated Film Studio - MuseumsQuartier Wien
on. ZOOM Kindermuseum ZOOM Kindermuseum program in July opening hours mo: Closed tue-fri: 08.30-16h sat-sun: 09.45h-17.15h (also on public holidays and during school holidays) contact Verein ZOOM Kindermuseum [...] 05.03.2022 to 26.06.2022 - ZOOM Kindermuseum ZOOM Animated Film Studio CHILDREN & FAMILY Animated film experiments in the new Studio! Workshops for children ages 8 to 14 You’ll draw and photograph the
Q21 Artist-in-Residence Sara Salamon
Barbarić, Koviljka Ljuština, Andrea Brozović, Kristina Paunovski, Nika Čuić and Anamaria Cvitković), ZOOM festival 2021 - Performing Arts Festival, Drugo more, Rijeka, HR 2021 – 60 000 knots, sound art c
MQ: Exhibition ‘No Dancing Allowed’ frei_raum Q21 exhibition space - MuseumsQuartier Wien
dangerous, the collective need for dance resulted in various actions worldwide. From widespread dancing on Zoom and VR platforms to 'Unmute Us' protests in the Netherlands in support of club culture and against
Jan Beddegenoodts - MuseumsQuartier Wien
activism. He uses a cinematographic style to portray people with their passion and struggles. His work zooms in on a micro-reality to bring urgent matters to a world wide audience. You can watch his films online
Mark Angelo Harrison - MuseumsQuartier Wien
thickness of a printed image away from a total dimensional shift, he began to experiment with its zoom capabilities. While digitally exploring the image of an ammonite, he became sucked into its logarithmic
Enrique Mendoza - MuseumsQuartier Wien
Orchestra (AT), Zoom Trio (DK), Platypus Ensemble (AT), Jos Zwaanenburg (NL), Boglárka Nagy (HU), Visiones Sonoras (MX). His music has been performed by Jos Zwaanenburg, Johan van der Linden, Zoom Trio, Melisma
Noel Palazzo - MuseumsQuartier Wien
of scientific enquiry (on the far left of the stage) to this day (on the far right), slicing and zooming in on various geo-temporal locations that are relevant to the subject at hand. Our peculiar moderator
Archive - MuseumsQuartier Wien
nfo ZOOM Kindermuseum mumok select location select location all Architekturzentrum Wien Dschungel Wien Halle E+G Kunsthalle Wien Leopold Museum mumok Q21 Tanzquartier Wien WIENXTRA-Kinderinfo ZOOM Kindermuseum