Mr and Mrs Gardener - MuseumsQuartier Wien
Auböck, landscape designer Herbert Binder, resident in a garden settlement house Yara Coca-Dominguez, Gartenpolylog association Martina Eichberger, resident in an allotment garden house Wolfgang Förster
Robert Seidel (GER) - MuseumsQuartier Wien
"_grau" vor einigen Jahren auf unzähligen Festivals zu Gast und vielfach prämiert, ist Artist in Residence im quartier21 für Mai/Juni 2012. Seidel gibt zum Auftakt seines zweimonatigen Österreich-Aufenthalts
Marta Izquierdo Muñoz (ES): I Have Killed The Prince (My Heart Is An Ocean) - MuseumsQuartier Wien
the figure of the Siren unfolds her trajectory amongst chansons and bibelots: Ritual objects and residencies of memories, that alike the oceans shore develop and emerge alongside the artist\'s travels and
MEMBRA DISJECTA FOR JOHN CAGE. Wanting to Say Something About John - MuseumsQuartier Wien
Some of them will be living and working in Vienna in the coming months as quartier21/MQ Artists-in-Residence. \r\n The exhibition is being organized as part of the quartier21/MQ series \"freiraum quartier21
TONSPUR 51: Sam Ashley (USA) - Freedom From Happiness - MuseumsQuartier Wien
aimed for \"consciously\" but which are nevertheless uniquely beautiful. Sam Ashley, Artist-in-Residence quartier21 Share Share - facebook
Community Garden Macondo - MuseumsQuartier Wien
students EUR 10,00 max. 25 people guided bus tour: Heidi Pretterhofer & Dieter Spath (Arquitectos) The residents named their home in Simmering, Vienna, \"Macondo\" after the novel \"One Hundred Years of Solitude\"
Özlem Alkis (TR) / Marko Milic (RS) / Sezen Tonguz (TR) - MuseumsQuartier Wien
tue 30 wed 31 thu Özlem Alkis (TR) / Marko Milic (RS) / Sezen Tonguz (TR) Showing / Performance residency-artists Date: Thu, May 4 and Fri, May 4, 20:30 Venue: TQW / Studios In March and April 2012 the [...] Marko Milic and Sezen Tonguz are guest-starring in the Tanzquartier Wien in the framework of the residency programme organised together with KulturKontakt Austria. In a public showing they give an insight [...] choreographers, she developed her solo Crimson and the performance project Memento For Sale. The residency programme at the Tanzquartier Wien is a joint project with KulturKontakt Austria. Share
Spaceship earth - MuseumsQuartier Wien
for a long, long time. At the beginning they shared everything. But as time went by one group of residents started to rule over the other ... \"Spaceship earth\" is a large size installation (140m²) of Planet
SUBOTRON pro games: Ausbildungsstätten stellen sich vor - MuseumsQuartier Wien
Crossing Europe, VisionSonic, Cynet Art, Microwave Media Festival, etc., and was an artist in residence of the \"Les pepinieres pour les jeunes artistes\" program of the European Union at CIANT media
Lesung: Dan Lungu (ROM) - MuseumsQuartier Wien
Datum: Fr 20.01., 19h Ort: Barocke Suite A, MQ Haupteingang, 1. Stock Eintritt frei Der Writer-in-Residence des quartier21 liest aus seinem neuesten Roman „In iad toate becurile sint arse / In der Hölle sind [...] „Das Hühnerparadies" (2007) und "Die rote Babuschka" (2009). Mehr Informationen über den Writer-in-Residence Dan Lungu unter In iad toate becurile sint arse / In der Hölle sind alle Glühbirnen