Erzähl mir was - MuseumsQuartier Wien
26 wed • 27 thu • 28 fri • 29 sat • 30 sun • 31 mo Osteuropäische KinderbuchautorInnen zu Gast im ZOOM Kindermuseum Spezial Matinées zur Ausstellung „Europa – ganz schön verrückt“ Wovon träumen Kinder [...] torInnen aus Slowenien , Tschechien , Polen , Ungarn und der Slowakei tragen an fünf Sonntagen im ZOOM Geschichten in ihrer Muttersprache und auf Deutsch vor und stellen sich spannenden Gesprächen über
ZOOM Ozean - MuseumsQuartier Wien
01.01.2004 to 30.04.2004 ZOOM Ozean Previous dates fri, 30.04.2004 - 17.00 h thu, 29.04.2004 wed, 28.04.2004 tue, 27.04.2004 All dates • Days with event January 2004 01 thu • 02 fri • 03 sat • 04 sun •
Workshop Schattenfarben / ZOOM Atelier - MuseumsQuartier Wien
07.03.2004 to 22.03.2004 Workshop Schattenfarben / ZOOM Atelier Previous dates mo, 22.03.2004 - 16.00 h sun, 21.03.2004 sat, 20.03.2004 fri, 19.03.2004 All dates • Days with event March 2004 01 mo 02 tue
From Head to Toe - MuseumsQuartier Wien
minutes ZOOM Kindermuseum ZOOM Kindermuseum program in July opening hours mo: Closed tue-fri: 08.30-16h sat-sun: 09.45h-17.15h (also on public holidays and during school holidays) contact Verein ZOOM Kindermuseum [...] 26.09.2019 to 10.01.2021 - ZOOM Kindermuseum From Head to Toe EDUCATION, CHILDREN & FAMILY A hands-on-exhibition for children from 6 to 12 years Examine skin and hair, fight bacteria and viruses in the
ZOOM Ocean - MuseumsQuartier Wien
2020 to 27.09.2020 - ZOOM Kindermuseum ZOOM Ocean CHILDREN & FAMILY A colorful and diverse realm for play and adventure We take play seriously at ZOOM Children’s Museum. That is why ZOOM offers a special place [...] enjoyable opportunity to observe, compare and measure. Director ZOOM Ocean: Franziska Abgottspon Share Share - facebook ZOOM Kindermuseum ZOOM Kindermuseum program in July opening hours mo: Closed tue-fri: [...] 30-16h sat-sun: 09.45h-17.15h (also on public holidays and during school holidays) contact Verein ZOOM Kindermuseum MuseumsQuartier/Hof 2, Museumsplatz 1, A-1070 Wien Tel.: +43-1-524 79 08 office @ ki
Online-Event: School as a Developmental Space - MuseumsQuartier Wien
11.06.2021 to 11.06.2021 - Architekturzentrum Wien Online-Event: School as a Developmental Space DIGITAL, ARCHITEKTUR The Az W series Bread & Roses asks, with the Corona Crisis as the background, what
Guided tour of the exhibition: Land for Us All - MuseumsQuartier Wien
exhibition: Land for Us All DIGITAL, EDUCATION, ARCHITEKTUR The guided tour will take place online via zoom. You will find the link here shortly before the event starts! The earth's surface is a finite resource
Guided tour with the curators: Land for Us All - MuseumsQuartier Wien
curators: Land for Us All DIGITAL, EDUCATION, ARCHITEKTUR The guided tour will take place online via zoom. You will find the link here shortly before the event starts! The earth's surface is a finite resource
Guided tour of the exhibition: Land for Us All - MuseumsQuartier Wien
Assistance: Lisa Gallian, Christina Kirchmair The guided tour on 04.02. will take place online via zoom. Click here . Share Share - facebook Architekturzentrum Wien Architekturzentrum Wien program in July
Guided tour with Tatiana Bilbao - MuseumsQuartier Wien
19.08.2021 to 19.08.2021 - Architekturzentrum Wien Guided tour with Tatiana Bilbao ARCHITEKTUR This exhibition provides an insight into the work of Mexican architect Tatiano Bilbao (born 1972 in Mexic