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Workshop-Abenteuerreise zur Theaterinsel

02.01.2023 to 04.01.2023 - Dschungel Wien

Workshop-Abenteuerreise zur Theaterinsel


@ Laurent Ziegler @ Laurent Ziegler

Theater workshop for children (6-10 years)
in the context of the WIENXTRA vacation play

You always wanted to go on an adventurous journey? Get to know a place you've never seen before?

The Theaterinsel is a mysterious place. We'll climb fantasy rocks to the top of the theater, ride the thought train, and balance over magical tree trunks.

Here you can be someone completely different, give yourself a new name, slip into a costume. What there is to explore on the theater island, you decide together with the other theater adventurers.

Together we will design our theater island and invent our own adventure.

No previous experience necessary.

Price: € 8,50,-
With Ferienspiel-Pass only € 3.50,-

Limited places, reservation required: Dschungel Wien

Dschungel Wien

opening hours

mo-tue:1 hour before performance
wed-fri:Box office 16.30-18.30h
sat-sun:1 hour before performance


Museumsplatz 1, 
Hof 2, 1070 Vienna
Tel.: +43/1/522 07 20 -20

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