11.01.2025 to 12.01.2025 - Tanzquartier Wien
TQW Winter School: Don’t trace no lines
TQW Winter School: Don’t trace no lines
Practices of diaspora
Sat 11. to Sun 12.01., TQW Studios
The TQW Winter School is festival, experiment, and encounter, located between discourse and practice. This year, for its third edition, it devotes two days to diaspora and its interrelations with performative, embodied and discursive practices.
There is a need to imagine a space beyond the nation-state and to articulate other responses to the question of where we are, here, now. There is a need to cherish being out-of-synch with hegemonic forms of belonging. There is a need to make worlds and community otherwise, guided by what else was, might have been, and could have been in worlds that were not allowed to remain. There is a need to enact in-between-ness as a sense-making practice, as a position from which futures might be built. Don’t trace no lines is an invitation to think in polycentric, interwoven, multi-temporal ways, through the aesthetics, forms, materials, discourses and practices that arise from different diasporic experiences. At the same time, and most urgently, it is an open laboratory exploring how artistic practices might enact diasporic alliances, seeking connections, intersections and solidarities between diasporic positions.
Each day of the Winter School starts with a morning workshop, followed by film screenings, lecture performances and talks in the afternoon, and concerts in the evening. The Winter School is open to everyone – theorists, artists, curators, artist-researchers, activists, audience members – irrespective of experience.
With: Noit Banai / Mariama Diagne / Monika Halkort, Cana Bilir-Meier, Karin Cheng with Girishya Stella Kurazikubone, EsRAP, Ayesha Hameed, Raisa Kabir, Susana Ojeda, Miriam Schickler
Tanzquartier Wien
opening hours
mo-fri: | 9 – 19.30h |
sat: | 10 – 19.30h |
sun: | closed |
Tanzquartier Wien GmbH
Museumsplatz 1, A-1070 Wien
Tel.: +43-1-581 35 91