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Talk Show: Club Architektur "The Single-Family House: The Promised Freedom, or a Climate Polluter?"

23.11.2022 to 23.11.2022 - Architekturzentrum Wien

Talk Show: Club Architektur "The Single-Family House: The Promised Freedom, or a Climate Polluter?"


© Grafik: grafisches Büro © Grafik: grafisches Büro

It is unlikely that any other type of building is subject to such heated debate as the single-family house. For some it is signals individualism, freedom and happy families; for others, it is one of the main culprits in promoting urban sprawl and the sealing over of the land.

Is the much advertised and publicly funded "ideal home" an archaic constant or a hyped-up consumer product? Are there climate-friendly solutions or should single-family houses be banned, or will they soon become prohibitively expensive anyway? What solutions are available for dealing with the large stock of single-family houses? And what does "single family" even mean in times of patchwork families and diverse lifestyle models? Club Architektur brings the discussion about the supposedly simplest architectural typology to the stage with an interdisciplinary panel.

Guest Speakers:
Karoline Mayer, Az W curator of ‘Land for Us All’
Corinna Milborn, author, journalist and moderator
Natascha Peinsipp, architect, Asphalt Kollektiv
Hans-Christian Vallant, CEO, Raiffeisen Bausparkasse

Moderated by: Maik Novotny, architecture journalist

Thanks to: Kohlmaier GmbH, Vienna

Architekturzentrum Wien

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Museumsplatz 1,
Hof 7, 1070 Vienna
Tel.: +43/1/522 31 15


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