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Talk Show Club Architektur #12: Between Forest and Asphalt — public space in the climate crisis

06.12.2023 to 06.12.2023 - Architekturzentrum Wien

Talk Show Club Architektur #12: Between Forest and Asphalt — public space in the climate crisis


Club Architektur © Grafik: grafisches Büro Club Architektur © Grafik: grafisches Büro

Do we need to bid farewell to the image of the Italian Piazza, and is the city becoming woodland? In addition to existing ones, do we also need new traffic concepts for green spaces? An evening on the future of public space.

Public space is about to undergo major transformations in the face of multiple culminating crises. While in the last 60 years such spaces have been geared primarily towards motorised private transport, increasing conflicts of interest are now emerging. During the Corona pandemic it became clear how scarce space is on pedestrian thoroughfares and how important green space close to home is. In the climate crisis, nature is needed in the overheated city to allow us to continue using streets and public squares in the overheated city. This calls for higher quality design than the random distribution of trees and bushes provides. How can this transformation succeed, who are the protagonists involved and what does a more equitable distribution of urban space look like?

Anna Detzelhofer, DnD Landschaftsplanung; Oliver Hangl, artist and initiator of the Silent Disco; Barbara Laa, traffic expert, TU Wien; Angelika Psenner, Professor of Urban Structure Studies, TU Wien; Georg Renöckl, journalist, expert on urbanism, Paris

Moderated by: Maik Novotny, architecture journalist

Thanks to: Bundesministerium Klimaschutz, Umwelt, Energie, Mobilität, Innovation und Technologie

Architekturzentrum Wien

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Museumsplatz 1,
Hof 7, 1070 Vienna
Tel.: +43/1/522 31 15

Opening hours Christmas holidays:
Tue 24. & Tue 31.12., 10-14h
Wed 25 & Thu 26.12, 10-19h
Wed 01.01.2025, 10-19h
The library is closed from 21.12.-07.01.

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