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Symposium: Simply Build!

20.10.2022 to 20.10.2022 - Architekturzentrum Wien

Symposium: Simply Build!


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The future of building in a world threatened by catastrophic climate change is at the focus of the international symposium “Simply Build!”.

The first panel locates a move towards an approach to building for ease of use, robustly and as simply as possible. Buildings as a source of raw materials are a central issue for both Panels, “Recyclable Building” and “Simply Adapt”. Here, the life cycle of buildings is examined on the basis of the structural components and the raw materials used, as well as with regard to the spatial structure and the quality of the spaces themselves. The conclusion of the high-calibre programme is provided by the keynote speech by HARQUITECTES from Barcelona, whose projects engage with all three topics covered by the symposium.

A cooperation by the Az W with the IBA _Wien – Neues soziales Wohnen


Panel 1 Simply Build
Saikal Zhunushova, OEKOFACTA GmbH, Conversion in Bauma (CH)
Oliver Sterl, Rüdiger Lainer + Partner, the Waldrebengasse project, Vienna
Dietmar Eberle, Baumschlager Eberle Architekten, 2226 Graf, Dornbirn

Followed by a panel discussion, also with:
Peter Maydl, civil engineer for the building sector, Professor (rtd.), Graz University of Technology
Moderated by Maik Novotny, architecture journalist

Panel 2 Recyclable Building
Johannes Kisser, alchemia-nova GmbH, The CO2 Footprint of the Building Sector, Vienna
Jasna Moritz, kadawittfeldarchitektur, Moringa, Hamburg (DE)
Anja Rosen, Honorary professor of circular building, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Circular Economy in the Building Sector (DE)

Followed by a panel discussion, also with:
Bernadette Luger, Deputy Head of Staff Unit Resource Conservation and Sustainability in the Construction Sector, City of Vienna Executive Group for Construction and Technology
Moderated by Thomas Romm, forschen planen bauen ZT

Panel 3 Simply Adapt
Oana Bogdan, BOGDAN & VAN BROECK, The Cosmopolitan, Brussels (BE)
Wojciech Trompeta, Böll Architekten, CEO, KoFabrik, Bochum (DE)
Corinna Toell, Franz und Sue, Dornröschen in Gersthof, Vienna

Followed by a panel discussion, also with:
Claudia Nutz, nutzeffekt
Moderated by Karoline Mayer, Az W

Keynote Lecture
Welcome address: Kathrin Gaál, Deputy Mayor and Executive City Councillor for Housing, Housing Construction, Urban Renewal and Women’s Issues
Keynote lecture: HARQUITECTES, Barcelona (ES)
Moderated by Angelika Fitz, director, Az W

Registration required:

Additional live streaming

in German and English

Architekturzentrum Wien

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Museumsplatz 1,
Hof 7, 1070 Vienna
Tel.: +43/1/522 31 15

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