23.10.2023 to 31.12.2023
Sonia Leimer & Tillman Kaiser: Sculptures for the Niches

MQ Main Facade, Forecourt
Opening Mon 23.10, 18h
The MuseumsQuartier, originally built as the imperial court stables, is one of the major works of the Baroque architect Johann Bernhard Fischer von Erlach. On the occasion of the commemorative year "300 years of Johann Fischer von Erlach", the MuseumsQuartier is initiating a special art project.
At the invitation of the MuseumsQuartier, the artists Tillman Kaiser and Sonia Leimer have examined the specific architectural, historical and current conditions of the facade niches - 40 semicircular niches structure the 355-meter-long facade. Both have developed sculpture projects for three niches each, which refer to the baroque architecture in form and content. Based on their own artistic practice, they arrived at very different sculptural solutions for the niches.
Tillman Kaiser’s artistic work is characterised by the interaction between techniques and forms, which are taken from painting, photography, sculpture and architecture. He describes his own works as collages that open up spaces for a wide range of associations.
Following their own internal logic, his sculptures have taken root in the niches – to the right of the main entrance – as stylised organic forms. Made from shaped, white stainless steel, these secretive and abstract blooms have latched on to the architecture and are growing out from the Baroque facade.
Sonia Leimer creates sculptures, videos and installations that move between real places and imaginary contexts.
The sculptural works with the title Placeholder – to the left of the main entrance – are made of aluminium and are part of an ongoing series of the same name that began in 2010. These sculptures serve as symbolic markers of gaps, temporarily reserving a (physical) space and holding it open. For her work at the MuseumsQuartier, Sonia Leimer chose aluminium: sculpture and architecture merge within its mirrored materiality, which simultaneously reflects the surrounding area.