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16.01.2024 to 18.01.2024 - Dschungel Wien



[Translate to English:] © Anna Stöcher [Translate to English:] © Anna Stöcher

Tue 16., Wed 17. & Thu 18.01, 10.30h

Tue 16. & Wed 17.01., 19.30h


Four robbers from Karl Moor's gang from Schiller's famous drama have broken into a villa and are waiting for their leader. How do you pass the time? At some point, even the best party gets boring. So what could be more obvious than to think about why Karl left them behind, how he is doing, what conflicts he has to resolve with his brother Franz and why his father is so angry with him? Because the four of them know sibling conflicts only too well. Hardly any connection to other people is as intense as that to a brother or sister. Who does the father love more? Who is the "better" child? Can the second-born ever achieve what the sibling was given just because they were born first?
Or is it something else entirely? He's always been annoying, she always knows everything better ... Between siblings as role models and being like them, we embark on a search for our own identity. We look for our surrogate families and form our own gangs of robbers.

Dschungel Wien

opening hours

mo-tue:1 hour before performance
wed-fri:Box office 16.30-18.30h
sat-sun:1 hour before performance


Museumsplatz 1, 
Hof 2, 1070 Vienna
Tel.: +43/1/522 07 20 -20

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