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10.01.2024 to 14.01.2024 - Dschungel Wien



© Kompanie Freispiel © Kompanie Freispiel

What would the world look like if everything was automated?

A completely normal children's room. A bed to sleep on, a table, a cosy carpet, a small bookshelf, toys lying on the floor: Building blocks and dolls, puzzles and cuddly toys, but all these toys are only half as exciting because in one corner there is a box that only works with electricity and a screen: a game console.

But what happens to the toys that are just lying around? And what if all these things were automated or took on other functions? What if all the objects one day decided to occupy themselves, befriend others, rearrange the space or simply run away?

At a time when machines are becoming more and more "intelligent", a phone is no longer just a phone, but also a camera, a recording device, a torch, a calculator, an encyclopaedia and much more. What would happen if all the remote-controlled cars got together for a car race and the washing machine made friends with the hoover? What would they talk about? What would they say to us and could we understand their language? Does the freezer sometimes tremble with loneliness and does the action figure sometimes lack drive?

In search of an answer, we observe objects and machines and marvel at their development. "Pixelzimmer" is a humorous, playful approach to the wonders of our modern world.

Performance-Installation, 60 Min.

Dschungel Wien

opening hours

mo-fri:16:00 - 18:00


Museumsplatz 1, 
Hof 2, 1070 Vienna
Tel.: +43/1/522 07 20 -20


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