01.03.2024 to 06.06.2024 - COMBINAT, Combinat
Naoko Muneoka

Exhibition by Naoko Muneoka at Combinat
01.03. – 06.06.2024
Naoko Muneoka's oil paintings are created slowly. The many thin layers of paint applied over a large area - a process that takes several months - result in the characteristic, highly sculptural, small-scale structure of the surface that Muneoka strives for. Subtle color variations in the numerous layers allow outlines and forms to emerge on the surface of the painting. The artist is interested in the image of the human being. It is the basis for making general statements beyond the individual, for making statements about feelings, experiences and interpersonal relationships. As she usually uses herself as a model, she can explore human depth in her portrayals ruthlessly, without offending others.
Naoko Muneoka was born in Hiroshima, Japan. After studying painting at Musashino Art University in Tokyo (Bachelor of Arts), she came to Vienna to study at the University of Applied Arts, master class of Prof. Wolfgang Hutter and Prof. Wolfgang Herzig. She exhibited in Japan and Austria. In 1994 she met Josef Kinz, jewelry and object artist. Numerous joint exhibitions and participations in exhibitions as an artist couple followed. Josef Kinz died in summer 2018.