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My View mit Veza María Fernández Ramos

21.04.2018 to 21.04.2018 - Kunsthalle Wien

My View mit Veza María Fernández Ramos


In the series My View, we invite experts, amateurs and people of interest to present their personal perspective on the exhibition. Veza María Fernández Ramos, Choreographer and Performance Artist will guide you through the exhibition joined by art educator Martin Walkner, finding an experimental form how narratives can be created through the body.

Veza María Fernández Ramos is a choreographer and performance artist. Her work is a constant dialogue between dance, theatre, performance and text creation.

Within the framework of the Integrationswoche 2018

Free with admission

Kunsthalle Wien

opening hours

tue-sat:12:00 – 18:00


Free Thursday night
Free admission every Thursday from 17–21h

Museumsplatz 1,
A-1070 Vienna
Tel.: +43-1-52189-0


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