10.05.2018 to 11.05.2018 - Tanzquartier Wien
My garden flourishes with flowers - Mzamo Nondlwana (ZA/AT)
The solo performance My garden flourishes with flowers takes place in an imaginative world where a Black queer body emulates an existing reality, a dream like state. Through communal and personal rituals and by using their body as vessel for emerging narratives Mzamo Nondlwana playfully attempts the deconstruction of linear concepts of time, merging the past, the present and the future. While the boundaries between personal memories and imagined realities blur, the audience is invited to witness this mystical journey of re-membering, while at the same time the viewer is asked to confront their own perceptions of black bodies – and to challenge processes of othering, fetishisation and objectification. My garden flourishes with flowers centers around embodied self-determined Black subjectivity by focusing on elements of empowerment and self-expression, utopian notions and the power of imagination.
Tanzquartier Wien
opening hours
mo-fri: | 9 – 19.30h |
sat: | 10 – 19.30h |
sun: | closed |
Tanzquartier Wien GmbH
Museumsplatz 1, A-1070 Wien
Tel.: +43-1-581 35 91