03.07.2024 to 03.07.2024 - MQ Main Courtyard, MQ Sommerbühne
MQ Hofmusik: Martyna Basta

Polish Your Summer #3
Martyna Basta
Wed 03.07.2024, 19h l MQ Summer Stage, Main Courtyard l Free entry
The diary-like sound of Krakow-based artist Martyna Basta creates a delicate atmosphere that is both lush and haunting. As a classically trained guitarist, she withdrew from the academic world and replaced her guitar with a synthesiser. She soon developed a unique way of composing, characterised by modulated voices, electronics and field recordings.
The Polish Your Summer series consists of three concerts by Polish musicians organised by the MQ in cooperation with the Polish Institute Vienna and Adam Mickiewicz Institute.
In case of bad weather: MQ Raum D
Photo: Martyna Basta © Majka Zawrzykraj