31.07.2024 to 31.07.2024 - MQ Main Courtyard, MQ Sommerbühne
MQ Hofmusik: Lukas Lauermann

MQ Hofmusik:
Lukas Lauermann
Wed 31.07.2024, 19h l MQ Summer Stage, Main Courtyard l Free entry
Lukas Lauermann's diverse musical work is characterised by a love of experimentation, openness and an ear for the essentials. Anyone interested in music made in Austria has probably heard him play in one way or another. Be it at a concert with Alicia Edelweiss, doppelfinger, Donauwellenreiter or Nino aus Wien, on a Soap&Skin or Wanda soundtrack, in the Volkstheater, at a performance by Gelatin or from the speakers in a cinema.
"Probably the most versatile and productive cellist in the country" (Der Standard) is not just a sought-after fellow musician. He is also very successful as a solo performer: from Popfest Vienna to the Banksy Hotel in Bethlehem, on to Beijing and the rock club in Seattle. With cello and electronics, he creates his very own cosmos of sound and always dares to 'step into the untrodden' (Robert Rotifer, FM4).
Photo: Lukas Lauermann © Julia Haimburger